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After a week~

A messy desk with tons of papers are kept on it. As the wall clock started to making Ding Dong sounds indicating, it's 12 at noon already.

Jungkook were checking some files, with messy hairs, button downed plain white shirt and rolled sleeves.

Suddenly, Namjoon entered With a frown, and asked, "What did Seungcheol said?"

Jungkook rolled his eyes and replied, "He talked about that old stuff again"

"Did you explained him?" Namjoon asked, taking seat in front of him.

"Why would I? Let him be with his misconception" he replied while doing his works.

"What if he tries to take revenge?" Namjoon asked, lifting one of his brows.

Jungkook smirked and spoke, "That's not easy. He Won't dare-"

Before he could finish, his phone started ringing. Without wasting any time, he received the call.

"Morning, Mr. Jeon" a male doctor greeted him.

Jungkook asked, putting the call on speaker mode, "Her condition?"

The doctor nodded and spoke, "That's what I wanted to discuss. We didn't expect her to survive more than 24 hours. Surprisingly, she survived more than we expected"

Namjoon and Jungkook looked at each other as the doctor spoke again, "That means, though she is in Coma, She's cooperating. If we treat her with advance technology, there are chances that she'll response soon"

Jungkook nodded before saying, "That's good"

"I already talked to the other doctors, they arranged all the treatments" the doctor informed.

"Isn't it risky for her to do journey at this state?" Namjoon asked in concern.

"Our Air ambulance service will provide everything if it's needed, the rest of it is in the hand of God" the doctor replied.

"Okay then. I'll sign the paper" Jungkook said with a sigh of relief.

After the doctor hung up the call, Kang So-Ra entered the room and spoke, "Mr. Jeon, Everyone is waiting for you in the meeting"

Jungkook nodded before taking a file to leave for meeting with Namjoon.










"Unnie... P-Please tell me, where is my H-Halmeoni?" you asked a nurse, with whom you feel a little comfortable than others because she said, she is around your age.

She didn't reply, instead she kept checking the medicines.

So you asked again, "Is.... Is she okay?"

"Can you call Jungkook-shi?" you asked again and saw her shaking her head as NO.

"Please let me see her once. Is she in this hospital?" you pleaded to her as she was checking the prescription.

"Ms. Y/n, calm down" she said after taking some pills to give you.

At the meantime, another nurse brought lunch for you in a trolley.

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