The Pilot

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Emma James and Eric Matthews. Best friends. You could not have one without the other. They have been connected by the hip ever since Emma moved in next door and Eric wanted to play in her new sandbox when they were five years old. Now, Emma's parents were doctors and were barley ever home, so she would always go over to the Matthews house to waste time, and the plus side she would get to spend time with her best friend.

The best friends were starting tenth grade in a few weeks. Emma had volleyball tryouts this weekend and Eric had volunteered to go with her. However, Emma knew he was only going for one thing. Heather Ralston. Emma didn't want to say anything, but she knew Heather wasn't going to be there. Heather, getting her hands dirty, running around, that's hilarious.

Emma woke up early on Friday morning, got ready, and went over to the Matthews's house. She walked on over dressed in sweatpants and a tee shirt. She knocked on the door, waiting for someone to answer. She was welcomed by Mrs. Matthews.

"Good morning Mrs. Matthews." Emma said as she entered the house.

"Emma how many times do I have to tell you to call me Amy?" She asked the girl. Emma let out a soft laugh and smile.

"Sorry, I'll try." She responded giving her a small smile.

"Eric will be down in a minute." Mrs. Matthews said as she walked towards the kitchen. Emma made herself comfortable and sat down on the couch. She heard someone come down the stairs and turned around to see who it was. She saw a tired but excited looking Eric, and a very tired looking Corey, who was Eric's little brother.

"Morning Corey." Emma said as the boy walked by. The boy just responded with a grumbling nose. Emma smiled at looked at Eric.

"You ready to go?" Eric asked her. She nodded her head.

"Been ready since six o'clock." Emma responding standing up from the couch. Her volleyball bag around her arm. They walked out and headed towards the school for tryouts.


"I can't believe you didn't tell me she wasn't there." Eric said entering his house disappointed. Emma closed the door behind her. She rolled her eyes.

"I thought you knew." Emma responded sarcastically. Eric looked at her. He knew she knew Heather wasn't going to be there. "Be honest Eric, if I told you she wasn't coming you wouldn't have gone to tryouts. I just wanted you there."

"Yeah, okay." Eric said. Emma walked over to Eric and wrapped her arms around him.

"I'm sorry." Emma apologized. "That was selfish, and I've should have told you." Eric hugged her back.

"I forgive you." Eric responded. "You did do good though."

"Thanks, I just hope I make varsity." Emma said letting go

"You will." Eric responded. "I know you will."


Emma and Eric were walking into the school. First day of tenth grade. Emma was speed walking hoping to find the list for the team before school started. She finally made it; she could hear Eric panting behind her.

"You walk to fast." Eric said between breaths. Emma was scanning the list for her name. She found it.

"I did it!" Emma exclaimed. "I made varsity!" she turned around and Eric wrapped her in a hug. He let her go and decided to find their lockers. When he turned around, he saw Heather standing there.

"There she is." He spoke. "I'm going to go ask for her number." Emma smiled and nodded her head trying to not show the hurt she was feeling. Emma didn't want anyone to know but she's had a crush on Eric ever since they started middle school. She didn't want to tell him just in case he didn't like her back. She didn't want to jeopardize their friendship. She decided to leave Eric to it and go find her locker.


Emma was over at the Matthews house after school like she always was. She was sitting on Erics bed filing her nails while Eric was on the phone.

"Yes!" She saw Eric exclaimed she soon say Cory enter.

"Yes! Phillies won Eight to three!" Cory said when he entered the room.

"I'm going out with Heather Ralston!" Eric said giving Cory a high five.

"You know what that means?" Cory asked.

"Every guy in the tenth grade wants to be me." Eric responded as he sat on the bed leaning against Emma who almost fell over from the impact. She got up from the bed walking over to the door. She wanted to get out because she knew this was going to go south fast. Eric was supposed to go with Cory to the baseball game, but his date was on the same day. She didn't want to get in the middle of that fight.

She headed towards downstairs into the kitchen. Morgan was sitting at the kitchen table. Emma walked over and took a seat next to her. Morgan then got up from the table and grabbed Emma's hand and headed towards the living room.

"Morgan." Emma started, "What are we doing?"

"Shh." The little girl responded still pulling Emma's hand. She sat Emma in a chair and climbed on her lap. "I like your cuddles. Cuddle me." Emma let out a soft laugh as she snuggled the little girl. After a few minutes Emma had to leave.

"Sorry Morgan." Emma said getting her off her lap. "I've got to leave. Bye Mr. and Mrs. Matthews." Emma waved at the married couple.

"Where you going?" Mr. Matthews asked.

"Volleyball practice." Emma responded opening the door. "First game in a few weeks."

"Well, have fun sweetie." Mrs. Matthews said as Emma left the house.


Love is worth it. That was all Cory was saying the next few days. Emma couldn't let this go. She was so close to telling Eric that she liked him more than a friend but backed out. Twice. Emma was in her backyard peppering to herself. Eric walked back but Emma couldn't hear him since the ball kept making a loud noise as it hit the board. Eric cleared his throat and Emma stopped what she was doing.

"Hey." Emma said as she walked up to him. "Feel like I haven't seen you that much." Eric nodded his head.

"I was just coming over to ask if you wanted to come over for dinner tonight." Eric told her. Emma gave him a smile.

"I would love to, but my parents are finally off tonight, so I'm going to hang out with them tonight." Emma responded. "Sorry."

"No, don't worry I get it." Eric said. "Another night?"

"Another night." Emma told him.


Emma walked over to the Matthews house that same night. She had a container full of cookies, so she brought it over. She knocked on their back door.

Eric, Morgan, Corey, and Mr. and Mrs. Matthews were all having dinner when they heard a knock at the door.

"I'll get it." Eric said as he went to the door. Eric opened the door and saw Emma giving him a shy smile.

"Does that dinner offer still stand?" Emma asked holding out her container of cookies. "I made some cookies.

"Yeah, it still stands." Eric said as he moved out of the way so Emma could come in.

"Emma!" Morgan exclaimed as she got out of her seat and headed over to the girl. "Give me the cookies."

"Now Morgan, we can have them after dinner." Mrs. Matthews said. A disappointed Morgan sat back down.

"I thought you were having dinner with your parents." Eric said as he dished Emma up and gave the plate to her.

"I was but they called and said they had an emergency at the hospital." Emma responded. "I just didn't want to be alone." She added quietly.


Emma and Eric were out in the backyard saying goodbye as Emma needed to go home.

"Thanks for letting me stay over." Emma spoke giving Eric a smile.

"You're welcome here anytime." Eric said wrapping here in a hug and planting a kiss on her forehead. Emma liked this, she wanted Eric as more than a friend. She just wishes he did too.

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