Wrestling With The New Guy

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"Eric, put Cory down." Amy said as the brothers came down the stairs, Cory was on Eric's back, and his arms around his neck. Emma was looking at the boys—her brows raised in confusion—as she finished putting a strawberry in her mouth.

"I can't," Eric said, his voice high pitched as he struggled for air. "I can't. He's got my windpipe in a death grip."

"Cory, let your brother breathe," Alan interjected from the table. Cory jumped off his brothers back then turned to him.

"Remember, pal..." Cory pointed a finger at Eric. "I know where you sleep."

"Amy, when the exterminators were here spraying, did we leave the window open in Cory's room?" Alan asked, looking at his youngest son.

"Eric, why is Cory so wound up?" Amy asked the other boy as she opened the fridge.

"I-I don't know." Eric stuttered out, shaking his head a little. "I'm upstairs brushing my teeth, and the little squirt bull-rushes me from behind."

"Ah," Emma finally spoke up from behind the kitchen island, making Eric flinch a little; He finally realized she was in his house. "I see he's finally learning." Emma smirked, pointing a finger at the little boy before putting another strawberry in her mouth.

"It's, uh, all here in this permission slip," Cory handed his dad a piece of paper then went to start grabbing a pen from his pocket. "Sign it please."

"Permission slip?" Alan asked, looking at his younger son then back to the letter to read it. "Amy!" Amy looked up from the fridge looking at her husband. "Little Cory made the wrestling team. All right! Get your big man a pen."

"They wanted you?" Emma asked, cringing. Cory glared at her, so she softened her face, changing her voice as she exclaimed the same sentence over again. "They wanted you!"

"Now, Alan," Amy made her way over to the table. "We should discuss this. Wrestling is dangerous."

"Come on, if he were signing up for ballet, that might be dangerous." Alan held out his hand. "Where do I sign?"

"Wait a second dad," Eric spoke up, "I know these wrestlers. They're like psychotic caged animals just waiting to take out all their aggressions on little runts like Cory. Here, use my pen." Eric handed his dad the pen from his pocket as Emma furrowed her brows and ate another strawberry.

"What wrestlers do you know?" Emma questioned making Eric look at her and roll his eyes jokingly.

"The rebellious kind," Eric deadpanned.

"Speaking of, how's Griff?" He added that last part with a little bit of jealousy laced through.

"Wouldn't you like to know." Emma sighed as she turned around to wash out her empty bowl. Eric walked over to her, arms crossed against his chest.

"I do," Eric smirked. "That's why I asked."

"Well," Emma started turning around. "For your information, Griff is doing just fine. He offered to bring me to school today."

"Oh," Eric said, trying to hide the disappointment in his tone but failing.

"But I declined because I was driving you to school. Because I always drive you to school." Emma grabbed her bag off the floor as she headed towards the door. "Now, let's go before we're late."


"So, did you get my flowers?" Griff asked Emma as he came up behind her. Emma closed her locker, hugging her books to her chest.

"Yes, I did." Emma smiled at him. "Not gonna lie to you through, I didn't think you were into that kind of stuff."

"What stuff?" Griff teasingly asked, leaning against her locker with a smirk.

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