Boys II Mensa

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Emma was at her locker getting her books for her next class. She felt a tap on her shoulder. She turned around and saw a boy she didn't know.

"Hey Emma, my name is Justin." The boy said. Emma gave him a small smile.

"Hi Justin." Emma said. "You're a junior right." Justin nodded his head.

"I was just wondering if you wanted to go to a Halloween party with me?" Justin asked letting out an awkward laugh. Emma let out a small giggle.

"Sure, I'd love to go with you." Emma replied giving him a bigger smile.

"Great. I'll pick you up at six tomorrow." Justin said as he started to walk away. "Bye." Emma gave him a small wave. She turned around when she bumped into someone.

"Emma there you are, you ready for science?" Eric asked. Emma nodded her head as Eric spoke again. "Who was that?"

"Oh, that was Justin." She responded. "He asked me to go to a Halloween party tomorrow."

"Wait, wait, wait." Eric spoke confused. "Justin Graves asked you out?" Emma looked at him kind of hurt.

"What, you think I can't get a date?" Emma asked offended.

"Wha- no." Eric said. "I mean look at you, you're pretty, and smart, who wouldn't want to ask you out?" Emma rolled her eyes knowing Eric said things like this when he felt sorry for saying something wrong. However, this made Emma feel good, her stomach filled with butterflies.

"Thanks." Emma said rolling her eyes once more. She headed towards class.


Emma was laying on Erics bed as he was sitting on the edge.

"Wait," Emma said sitting up abruptly. "What am I going to do if he kisses me?" Eric turned around and looked at her confused.

"Wait you've never been kissed?" Eric asked letting out a small laugh.

"No," Emma admitted. "I've wanted my first kiss to be with someone special, and now, well, I just want to get it over with, but I don't know how to do it." Emma sat criss cross as Eric turned to face her sitting in the same position.

"I'll teach you." Eric told her. "I am the kissing master." Emma tried to not laugh at his comment.

"Wow, I do not know how to thank you." Emma said sarcastically. Eric rolled his eyes. "Alright let's just get this over with." They both scooted in closer. They gave each other awkward smiles.

"Okay," Eric started. "So, I'll just put my hands on your face, and we'll lean in." Emma nodded her head. They both began to lean in. Slowly their lips started to connect. They closed their eyes and their lips locked. They did one small, quick kiss then pulled apart, but they were only a few centimeters apart. They closed their eyes and went in for another one. And another. Now they were kind of making out. Emma wasn't complaining. She had these butterflies in her stomach that she has had many times before. She wished she would just own up and confess her feelings.

Eric on the other hand was forcing himself to not enjoy this. He liked the way her lips felt, tasted. He could get used to this, but he can't, she's been his best friends for years; he doesn't want to ruin that. They finally pulled apart.

"That was," Emma tried to find what to say without making it more awkward than it was.

"Good." Eric finished.

"Yeah," Emma nodded her head. "Good. Well, I should probably go get ready." She got up from the bed and walked out the door. Eric fell back on his bed, he wishes they could go back when they were in kindergarten worrying about who got to the swings first, not romantic feelings.


Emma walked into the Matthews house from the back door. This was one of those moments where Emma was happy that they gave her an extra key. She walked in and tried to find some water. She headed over to the living room seeing if she can find anyone. When she walked in, she saw Morgan walk down the stairs in a zombie costume and Eric following behind her.

"Wow Morgan I love your costume." Emma said walking over to her.

"Thanks, but I can't say the same for you." Morgan spoke running into the kitchen. Emma looked at Eric who was trying to hold back a laugh.

"I thought I looked fine." Emma said looking down at her costume. She covered up a bit when she got here, but she did look hot. Eric had to agree.

"What are you a nurse?" Eric asked

"Sexy nurse." Emma corrected.

"Why are you home so early?" Eric asked again. Emma looked down at her feet disappointed and sat down on the couch.

"I found my date making out with a vampire, so I left." Emma said looking at Eric. Eric sat down by here and put his arm around her.

"I'm sorry." He spoke. Emma just shook her head indicating that it was all good. "How about on Halloween we go out on a date, as friends." Emma smiled at him.

"You'd really do that?" Emma asked him, he nodded his head. "Thanks."

"Anything for you Emmy." Eric said giving her a kiss on the head.

"And after I get my license in a few weeks I'll pay you back by going wherever you want to go." Emma told him giving him a smile.

"So, the mall to pick up girls?"

"Wherever you want to go." Emma repeated. Eric rolled his eyes as Emma let out a small laugh. Eric couldn't help but laugh with her. He somehow felt weird when she laughed though, like his stomach turned, and he liked it.

"Hey Eric?" Emma started to say. He just hummed in response. "When I said I wanted my first kiss to be with someone special, well, it was. So, thank you for being that someone special."

"No problem Emmy." Eric responded gazing at the girl. "You're my special someone too."

You're The Only One~ Eric MatthewsWhere stories live. Discover now