Killer Bees

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Emma waked into the Matthews house with Eric after school. She headed upstairs to the boy's room.

"Okay, concert tonight, I have nothing to do." Emma said clapping her hands. "So, humor me before you go."

"I'm good." Eric said sitting on his bed. Emma rolled her eyes.

"Well, since I have no homework, I'm going downstairs and getting a snack." Emma walked out the door. Eric followed her and headed downstairs as well. They were stopped by Mrs. Matthews.

"Eric, can you babysit for your brother and sister Friday night?" She asked.

"Nope." He responded.

"Oh," she spoke in a serious tone. "You misunderstood. You thought I was asking a question."

"Mom, Aerosmith's Friday." Eric said. Emma awkwardly stood there.

"Oh, you heard about that concert too?" Mrs. Matthews asked shockingly.

"Yeah, I'm taking Heather Ralston." Emma moved passed Eric.

"If you want, I can babysit, I'm not doing anything tonight." Emma told her.

"You're not going to the concert?" Mrs. Matthews asked. Emma shook her head.

"No, I wasn't invited." Emma replied looking at Eric with a glare. He just shrugged his shoulders giving her an apologetic look. "Actually though, I can babysit for you." Mrs. Matthews gave her a thankful look and Emma went to the kitchen to find herself a snack.


"They're both going!" Eric exclaimed. Emma was mentally hitting herself as he kept talking. Eric had been complaining for about half an hour.

"I don't think it's that big of a deal." Emma said as she got up from his bed. "I'm going to hang out with Morgan." Eric followed her still complaining about his parents going to the same concert. Emma put her fingers in her ears.

"La la la la, I can't hear you!" She yelled a little bit as she was heading down the stairs.

"Come on Emma just help me talk them out of it." Eric complained, again. She turned around and glared at him.

"Don't you have a date to pick up?" Emma snapped a little. Eric rolled his eyes and headed out the door.


"Come on Eric I think your parents are really cool." Emma heard Heather say as she walked into the living room.

"Oh, good, I'm the lucky boy with the cool parents." Eric complained sitting down on the couch next to Heather.

"Your mom was sitting on your dads' shoulders." Heather added. "It was adorable."

"Oh, I love when they do that." Emma chimed in. Eric glared at her. "Sorry."

"I don't want adorable parents." Eric said, he then started asking Cory a question. Heather leaned over to Emma.

"You're Emma, right?" She asked. Emma nodded her head.

"Yeah, Heather, right?" Emma asked back. Heather nodded her head like Emma did.

"Sister?" Emma laughed at Heathers question.

"No, best friend." Emma responded. Heather just nodded her head in a judging way. Emma mouthed an 'okay' as she awkwardly sat back in the chair. Morgan came in the living room and sat on Emma's lap. Soon enough everyone heard the door open, and Mr. and Mrs. Matthews came in wearing these bright tie-dye clothes.

"Hot concert, huh?" Mr. Matthews said.

"Yeah, hot dad." Eric said angry. Emma watched as Eric started to complain about how his parents ruined his good time. Emma knew this was somehow going to end badly.

"Come on Heather, I'm taking you home." Eric spoke as he grabbed Heather's hand and headed towards the door.

"Eric, stop right there." Mr. Matthews said firmly. "Sit back on the couch both of you."

"Join me on the couch Heather?" Eric led Heather back to the couch. Emma was starting to get scared but was enjoying this.

"Cory, upstairs." Mr. Matthews added.

"Why I'm not remotely tired."


"But suddenly, I'm overcome with fatigue."

"Come on sweetie." Mrs. Matthews said to Morgan.

"But I want to watch Eric get yelled at." Morgan retorted.

"Lots of opportunities for that."

"Come on Morgan, I'll read you a bedtime story." Emma said as she picked up Morgan and carried her upstairs.


Emma headed back downstairs after a while and saw Eric on the couch. Emma headed over there and sat next to him.

"I should probably go home, but my parents are out of town for a conference, so I'll be alone." Emma said snuggling up to Eric and looking at him with big eyes.

"Yeah, you can stay here." Eric said as he let out a small laugh. Emma snuggled closer.

"Thanks." Eric gave her a kiss on the forehead. Emma let out a yawn as her eyes started to close.

"Go ahead Emmy, I've got you." Eric wrapped his arms around her.

"Wow, haven't heard that nickname since sixth grade." Emma spoke as she let out a tired laugh. Soon enough Emma and Eric fell asleep on the couch wrapped in each other's arms.

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