Me and Mr. Joad

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Emma walked over to the Matthews' house in the morning and was greeted by Amy wrestling Eric in the kitchen. The confusion in her face said a lot, but she probably knew why Amy was doing what she was doing. Desiree needed Eric to run an errand again. That boy was whipped. She heard his beeper through the door. Emma then saw Eric trick him mom and run out the door, not noticing Emma was standing outside. She was going to go after him but she was really hungry. Emma walked in the house and greeted the younger boy and his mother.

"Good thing I still have another son," Emma heard Amy say as she walked through the door. Cory said something really strange that made Emma furrow her brow in confusion. Emma walked to the fridge and grabbed a bowl of fruit that she put there a few days ago, surprised no one ate it.

"Don't worry Mrs. Matthews," Emma said plopping a strawberry in her mouth, "I know I'm not a son, but you'll always have me." Amy gave the girl a smile as she swallowed her strawberry, then walked over to Amy and gave her a kiss on the cheek. "Bye Mrs. Matthews." Emma walked out the door and too school. Cory turned to his mom and set his book down.

"Does this book actually have anything to do with grapes?" Cory asked his mom. She just shook her head.


The school day went by really fast. Emma was able to avoid Desiree and Eric all day, fortunately. Desiree wasn't a big fan of Emma, and she could sense that, so she had been trying to avoid her for the past few days. It was finally last period, the class she was sure she would have with Eric and Jason, and ONLY Eric and Jason. She was grabbing her books from her locker when she felt someone behind her. They weren't directly on her, but she could feel their presence. She turned around, closed her locker, and came face to face with Harley Keiner.

"Hi Harley," Emma said giving him a smile, but she didn't really mean it. "What do you want?" Harley gave her a sly smile and shrugged his shoulders. She gave him a serious face to get him to say something.

"Okay fine," he said in his "cool guy" accent, "I wanted to ask you out. So, you, me, Chubbie's, tomorrow at three." He pointed his finger at the girl. Emma hesitated, giving him a small uncomfortable smile.

She put his finger down, "We'll see, I'll think about it. Okay?" Emma finished and walked away. Going to her last class of the day.


Emma walked into the kitchen from the living room just as she heard Jason say, "Mrs. M. ooh, looking hot. Didn't you just do a guest spot on Baywatch?" Emma made a disgusted face; he did this every time. Mrs. Matthews gave him a small smile.

"Thank you, Jason," she said, "but I'm just a little too mature." Jason kept going on about how good-looking Mrs. Matthews was, not that she wasn't but seriously he did this every time.

"La, la, la, la, la," Emma started as she covered her ears with her hands. Jason finally stopped and Eric came down the stairs. Emma uncovered her ears and turned around.

"Hey," Jason started, "you're not shooting hoops dressed like that, are you?"

Eric turned to Jason and Emma, "I got to bail on the game. Something came up." Jason looked at Emma and she shrugged, rolling her eyes.

"Somethings are more important." Emma said, mimicking a terrible Georgia accent, batting her eyelashes. Jason let out a scoff and turned to Eric.

"You're bailing us for a senior named, Vampira?" Jason said sarcastic. Eric gave him a serious look.

"Desiree," Eric corrected.

"Oh," Jason said still obviously annoyed with his best friend. "That's her day name."

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