Merry Christmas and Happy Turnaround

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Grabbing her stuff from her locker, Emma was deep in thought thinking about if she should ask Eric to the turnaround dance or not. Closing her locker—history book and notebooks in hand—Emma came face to face with Alicia.

"I want to ask you something," Alicia started, her face flashed with nerves, "I was thinking of asking Jason to the turnaround dance." Emma stood there trying to process what her friend said. Not that it was bad, but because it was unexpected. Emma never thought—in her entire time of knowing Alicia—she would have feelings for the raven-haired boy.

"Yeah," Emma responded, "You know you don't need to ask me; it is your decision."

"I know," Alicia muttered, "But I thought you guys didn't like each other."

"Oh, we resolved that," Emma said with a wave of her hand. "We're good now. Sure, we have a few arguments here and there, but we're good." At this point she was starting to ramble again, so she stopped herself before she continued.

"Thanks Emma," Alicia told her as she wrapped her in a hug, "You're the best." They pulled away and headed to their respective classes. On her way she saw Eric trying to stop Jackie in the hallway.

"Eric," Emma said hoping he would here. He didn't, so she tried something else. "ERIC!" that made the boy look in her direction. He let go of Jaclyn and walked over to his best friend.

"Really Emma?" Eric complained, "I almost got asked out."

Emma scoffed, "She was ignoring you; didn't even spare you a glance." Eric dismissed her with a wave of her hand.

"Let's just get to class," Eric told her as he hooked his arm with hers. Emma let a smile cross her face as she playfully rolled her eyes.


"No not that," Emma said from behind Eric's back. "Not that either. No no—"

"Make up your mind," Eric cut her off as he turned to face her then going back to digging in the fridge.

"Make up your mind," Emma mimicked in a high pitch voice. "Fine, I'll take that one," she added in her normal voice, grabbing the drink from her best friend. Heading towards the table where the younger Matthews brother stood.

"Eric," Cory spoke, "I don't want to hurt Ingrid cause she's a really sweet girl. But enough about her. Get me out of this date!" Emma flinched at the change in the kids voice.

Eric shook his head as he said, "Look you heard what dad said."

"Oh, please. He's old. He's out of touch. I mean, the last girl he dated was mom." Cory turned away from Eric and headed towards the house phone. Eric quickly put down his drink quickly tried to grab the phone.

"No, no, no, Cor, Cor, you have to go with Ingrid," Eric hung up the phone, "You bail on this girl it's all over for you."

"Why? It's just one date," Cory argued. Emma shook her head as she swallowed her drink.

"You see Cory that's the thing," Emma spoke to the kid, "You dump one girl, then all the girls know and then they hate you. I know I shouldn't be spilling our secrets, but your family; so, remember we're always—as in the girls—are always in communication with one another."

"What are you guys talking about?" Cory asked the older kids. Eric and Emma saw Morgan enter the kitchen; they looked at each other then back at Cory.

"Hey, Cor," Eric began, "Did you enjoy the vegetarian chili mom made last night as much as I did? You know sometimes I think we take our great mom for granted." Cory got up from the table as Morgan left the kitchen with her drink.

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