Boy Meets Girl

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"Okay, so we're in front of the movie theater," Shawn was talking to Eric as Emma was sitting on Eric's bed doing her homework.

"First hurdle," Eric interrupted. "Did she pay, or did you pay?"

"Eric, we snuck in." Shawn told him. Emma let out a small scoff.

"She agreed to a criminal act. I like this girl." Eric nodded his head. Emma let out a louder scoff. The boys looked at her.

"Sorry I had something in my throat." Emma gave them a sarcastic smile. The boys turned back to each other while Emma rolled her eyes, going back to her homework. Since she was laying down Emma started to drone off to sleep. She hadn't gotten much sleep the past few days. While Shawn and Eric continued their conversation, Emma decided to take a small nap. She suddenly felt a hand shake her awake.

"Emma," she heard a voice. "Emma, wake up. I'm going to the mall." Emma woke up but was still tired.

"Okay let's go." Emma said getting off the bed and heading to the mall with Eric and Morgan.


"What are you getting for your mom for mother's day?" Eric asked as the three of them walked around the store.

"I don't know, I don't think my parents will be home for mother's day." Emma responded honestly.

"Really?" Eric asked concerned.

"Have you met my parents?" Emma looked at the boy. "They are the worst workaholics I've ever seen. Take on more they can handle." Eric nodded his head agreeing with his best friend.  "I was thinking of giving my mom a coupon for a spa and let my parents go out for dinner."

"That might be..." Eric was cut off by a boy accidentally bumping into Emma.

"Sorry," the boy said. "You, okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine." Emma responded. She held out her hand to shake they boys' "My name's Emma, you new here?"

"Yeah, my name's Luke, I moved here from Albany," Luke told the girl shaking her hand back. "New York." He added looking at the confusion on Eric's face.

"What grade are you in?" Emma asked the boy. "We're in tenth." Emma pointed between her and Eric.

"I'm in tenth too." Luke spoke.

"Cool," Emma said giving him a smile, while Eric was just staring at the boy, no clear expression on his face. "Maybe I can show you around some time."

"Yeah, I would like that."

"Eric come with me I found a perfect gift for mom." Morgan said grabbing Eric's hand. Eric walked away occasionally looking back at Emma and Luke.

"What's your boyfriend's name?" Luke asked pointing at Eric. Emma looked back at him helping Morgan lifting her up so she can pick something up off the shelf.

"Oh, he's not my boyfriend," Emma spoke turning back to Luke. "But his name's Eric."

"Well, since you and Eric aren't a thing," Luke started. "Do you want to go get a drink sometime and you can show me around. Then I can get to know you better and we can become friends, maybe even more?" Emma let a shy smile cross her face.

"I'd like that." Emma said. "Well, I should probably go back to them. I'll see you at school and we can discuss details later?"

"Sounds like a plan." Luke said walking away. "See you at school Emma."

"Bye Luke." Emma waved her hand at him. Emma headed back over to Eric and Emma.

"He seemed nice." Eric spoke in a icy tone not looking Emma in the eyes. Emma looked at him confused but dismissed it.


Over the next few days Emma and Luke hung out and Emma showed him around town. She hadn't been spending as much time with the Matthews' as she used to. She wasn't going to lie, she liked to be somewhere and with someone that wasn't Eric and the Matthews' house.

"Yeah, season's almost over," Emma told Luke as she took a bite of her pretzel. "I'm sad it's gonna be over, but now I'll have time for different things."

"I know we've only known each other for a few days, but you really like this sport, don't you?" Luke asked with a little laugh. Emma nodded her head.

"Not like, love." Emma said looking at her feet. She looked back at Luke. "I mean, my parents are doctors and they're busy all the time, so my team is kind of my family, same with the Matthews." Emma told him. It felt nice to tell him; the only other person she's ever said this to was Eric. Luke gave her a small smile.

"I..." Luke started out, not knowing how to say this. Emma looked at him and gave him a small smile, encouraging him to go on. "I know we've only known each other for a few days, but I really like you and I want to ask you out. So, do you want to go out sometime?" Emma sat there and thought about what he said. She wanted to say no because she still was crushing on Eric, but she couldn't lie Luke was cute, and he was super nice. Why not? She only has one life, and she can't waist it, waiting on Eric.

"Only if you..." Luke said pulling her out of her thoughts.

"Yes." Emma said cutting him off. "I would love to go on a date with you. Luke gave her a smile and led her to his car to drop her off at her house.


Once Emma was home, she headed straight to the Matthews' backyard.

"Hey Emma," Shawn acknowledged the girl.

"Hey," Emma said putting her hands in her back pockets. Emma couldn't stop smiling, she finally had her first real date. Although, she was hesitant to say something to Eric, just because she was scared, he would go into protective mode.

"Why are you smiling?" Cory asked looking at the girl.

"I'm just happy that's all." Emma admitted. Shawn walked up to the girl and waved a finger in her face.

"No, I know that look, you know since I'm now a girl expert," Shawn flaunted. "You have a date, OR you like someone."

"Well, I was asked out," Emma admitted; Eric stood up immediately. "But we're just gonna try it out, nothing crazy."

"Is it with that Luka kid?" Eric asked his best friend.

"Luke." Emma corrected. "But yes, it is."

"Whatever." Eric had an unreadable expression, Emma really wanted to know what he was feeling at that moment. "I got to go. I have homework." Eric walked back into the house and slammed the door. The other three looked at the door in shock.

"That was weird," Cory spoke after a minute. "He normally doesn't do his homework." Cory and Shawn went back to whatever they were doing before Emma showed up while Emma was standing there confused. After a minute she decided to go home, walking to her house she touched the butterfly necklace Eric gave her, rethinking her decision.


Eric was laying on his back on his bed, looking at the ceiling. He wasn't sure why he was so mad that Emma had a date. I mean sure, she was really pretty, and kind, and funny, did he mention really pretty? He shouldn't really be mad though because he keeps asking out girls that aren't Emma. Maybe he should let life play out. Yeah. That's what he's gonna do. Maybe.

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