Father Knows Less

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Emma walked in the back door to the Matthews house. She headed straight towards Eric and Corey's room. She found Eric on his bed. She sat down on his bed back against the headboard.

"Rub my feet." Emma said as she handed him her foot. They had conditioning today in practice and her feet were sore.

"What's the magic word?" Eric asked sitting up.

"Now." She demanded. Eric rolled his eyes and started to rub her feet. "Guess what?"

"What?" Eric asked still rubbing her feet.

"My parents said they're coming to the game on Saturday!" Emma exclaimed. Finally, her parents were going to do something other than work.

"That's nice." Eric responded.

"You coming too?" She asked her friend. He just shrugged his shoulders. "Heather?" Eric nodded his head. Emma just nodded her head back.

"That's okay." Emma finished.


Game day. Emma was really excited. She entered the locker room and got on her jersey, volleyball shorts, and knee pads on. She entered the gym and scanned the room for her parents. She couldn't see them. She was a little disappointed, but hopeful they would show up. Maybe they were just running late. She began to warm up.

It was the third and final set of the game they were winning, and it was match point. Emma was in her ready position as the girl on the other side was getting ready to serve. She turned her head quickly to see if her parents showed up yet. Nope. The girl served it and Emma got ready to pass it. She passed it to their setter Avery, and she set their middle hitter, Claire, up for a hit. Claire hit it down. The other players got it up and back over. Their libero Casey passed it to Avery. Emma got ready on the ten-foot line ready to hit outside. Avery set it to her, and Emma hit it down. The ball landed in the corner which gave them the match point. They all huddled together cheering. Emma looked up and saw her parents in the crowd. She smiled to herself; she knew they would show up.

At the end of the game Emma came out of the locker room to find her parents. She found them and gave them a hug.

"You won!" Emma's mom exclaimed.

"I know, we're 3-0!" Emma said happily. "I'm glad you made it."

"We're happy we made it too." Emma's dad said. "Things got a little busy at work, but we tried to get here."

"Yeah," Emma's mom added. "We're sorry for missing most of it." Emma shook her head.

"No, I'm glad you came even if you came for the last two minutes." Emma admitted giving them one more hug.

"Amy invited us over for dinner tonight." Emma's mom said.

"Well," Emma said letting go. "Let's not keep them waiting.


"So, Emma how was the game?" Mr. Matthews asked as he was dishing up his plate.

"Yeah, did you lose?" Eric said with a mouth full of potatoes.

"No," Emma's dad, Mr. James said. "Our little Emma won."

"That's right." Mrs. James said.

"Alright." Emma laughed embarrassingly. "That's enough." They spent the rest of the night having the best time at dinner. Emma and Eric couldn't remember a time where both of their families were having a fun time. Now, Eric looked over at Emma who was talking with Morgan. He was looking at how Emma's face lighted up, and her smile, man, he loved that smile. Wait, what was he thinking, she was his best friend, he can't think like that. But she was so pretty, and her eyes, the way her eyes sparkled.

"You, okay?" Cory asked Eric, pulling him out of his trance.

"Yep," he replied. "I'm fine."

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