Chapter 1

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"Ouch!" Kid wailed after banging his head on the doorframe which was way too low. Hakuba had come up with the brilliant idea of ​​storing the jewel in a space so small the kid wouldn't fit in. Ha! Something like that wouldn't stop the great Kaito Kid! That's exactly what Shinichi had told his colleague Hakuba, but the blond said that they could at least find out how big the thief was and that this information would also be helpful. And now dozens of police officers were standing around, gathered in this tiny space and turned around in panic after hearing Kid. "There he is!!" one of them yelled and tried to crawl after him but couldn't fit through. His colleagues also had trouble getting into the small room and meanwhile Kaito had grabbed the jewel. "Great, I'm supposed to come here for one case and everything failed again because of this stupid plan," Shinichi complained and his annoyed gaze wandered to Hakuba, who was busy noting things down.

"Just for one case? Why don't you stay a little longer? I'll also dedicate my next coup to you personally~ hehehe", Kid giggled who had suddenly appeared behind the brunette. "Here, I don't need this anymore~" he said to the detective, who still hadn't turned around, and put the jewels in his pocket.

But when Kudo turned around, Kid was already gone...

What did he mean by that? He would dedicate the next coup to him? In order to find out, he would actually have to stay a little longer, which didn't bother him at all. Shinichi liked to work on cases involving Kid, because it wasn't just a normal rivalry anymore. Both felt a deeper connection between them, but the detective still couldn't quite interpret what that was exactly.  He figured it was just because he had to deal with Kid so often because he hadn't cought him yet. And if he was honest he would miss this time when Kid should be behind bars at some point. But he would worry about that when the time came and not now. It was definitely too early for that.

Thit night Shinichi could hardly sleep because his rival's sentence just wouldn't let him rest. He thought about it but just couldn't figure it out until he eventually fell asleep late.

The next day Kudo was strolling through the park to clear his mind and just as his thoughts wandered back to the master thief he was wondering when said heist would take place... But then could hear something flew right next to his ear. It was a that card just barely missed his head! Startled he stopped and picked up the card. It was the logo of Kaito Kid...

There was something written on the back and Shinichi read quietly in his thoughts: 'My dear detective, thank you very much for staying~ I already said I'll dedicate the next coup to you!  Knowing you, you've probably racked your brain all night and wondered what I could mean.  Well, I mean I'm going to steal something from you this time! Something I can definitely steal, no matter where you are and no matter what you're carrying with you~ Looking forward to it, your Kaito Kid'.

Shinichi was shaken! Kid wanted to rob him?! Him out of all people?? What should he do now?

He ran straight to the police to report it to the commissioner in charge, Ginzo Nakamori. On the way he had also informed Kogoro Mori because he and Ran were with him in town. He also wrote to Hakuba, because the more detectives, the better, right?

Arriving at the police station, the young man rushed into Commissioner Nakamori's office and was already quite out of breath. He probably would have been faster with public transport but he was so confused right now that he hadn't even thought of such a simple thing. "Co hommi ssion... n-ne-re," he tried to say as he handed the card over but he was too exhausted. "Detective Kudo? What's up-" Ginzo stopped when he saw the sign on the card. Kid just robbed someone yesterday! Why so quickly in a row? Somehow that didn't fit.

"W-wait a minute! There's no date or time on it!", the inspector observed hastily turning the card in all directions hoping he'd just missed something. That didn't really suited Kid either!

(A/N: The first chapter is always a bit shorter on my account! Please forgive me! xD I gonna update daily since I've already written all chapters. I hope you like it!
Your Agent_Stein07english <3)

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