Chapter 4

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..."Oh yeah? What did he steal?", Aoko wanted to know....

"He wanted to steal something from that detective Shinichi Kudo, so we specially flew out of the country and yet this bungler actually followed us there too, just showed up during the flight and stole Shinichi's first kiss! Why is he doing this?? And when we landed this morning he ran past us without even bothering to hide from us!! What's wrong with this ******?!", Ginzo got upset and reminded Kaito of the failed robbery last night. Kaito immediately lost his appetite. After that he just poked around in the tender meat without putting a bite in his mouth.

"Kaito? What's wrong with you?", Aoko asked because the thief actually forgot his poker face for a moment and he would have liked to slap himself for that.

"Nothing special. It was just a long day", he answered and sank back into his thoughts about the detective. "That's right, you had to do detention because you were late", Aoko remembered although the moonlight thief wasn't even listening to her anymore. "It's funny though since you left the house before I did and were still late", she remarked, which made her father looking curious.

During the rest of the meal Aoko just babbled on, although no one was really listening to her.

The next day dawned and if Aoko hadn't come over to wake up the magician he probably would have been late again. Now he was about to run to school.

He entered the classroom just in time to find Hakuba, who wasn't at school yesterday, leaning against his desk. "Can I help you?", Kaito asked politely although he was actually quite annoyed by this would-be detective. Nobody were close to Shinichis skills... even though Hakuba had figured out the Phantom Thief's identity before Shinichi...

"No, I'm just interested in how long you've been attracted to men. This is all important information that will help me arrest you", the blonde asked bluntly, making Kaito's eyes widen in shock. Actually, it shouldn't surprise him because Hakuba was on the same plane while he kissed Shinichi and Hakuba thought the whole time that Kaito was Kid so this conclusion makes sense but it was still rude of him to just ask that kind of question at school, since Kaito hadn't come out at all!

"I really don't know what you're talking about", the brown-haired one replied after he had regained his composure and put on his poker face. "Oh please, you don't have to pretend. I've known for a long time that you're Kid", Hakuba said while rolling his eyes. "W-what? Kaito, tell me that's not true!", Aoko demanded, who were not far behind the two men and had overheard the conversation. "Of course that's not true! I can't be Kid, after all I was once with you while he was committing one of his thefts", Kaito reasoned. "I don't mean that at all! I wanted to know if you're actually gay!", she said in a much stricter tone. Kaito was sure to have heard anger and frustration in her voice. "Why? Would it be that bad?", Kaito now wanted know because Aoko's opinion was one of the few that actually mattered to him. If she didn't accept him his whole world would collapse. However, he didn't get an answer to his question because Aoko had understood what her friend wanted to say with the counter-question and now left the room while crying. "What...?", he asked confused because that was probably the last reaction he would have expected from anyone. "Are you really that dense or are you just pretending? For being an internationally wanted criminal that couldn't be catched by anyone, you're pretty slow-witted!", Hakuba accused Kaito, who only blinked after his friend and now turned back to detective. "Huh?" "Well she was obviously in love with you and you just told her through the flower that she'll never have a chance with you!", the blonde explained, slapping his forehead with his hand. After Kaito had finally understood why Aoko had reacted the way she did, he ran after her and ignored the fact that class was supposed to start in a few minutes.

"...Aoko?", he asked cautiously, putting a hand on her shoulder from behind after finding her on a bench in front of the school.

"Go away!", she sniffled pulling her knees to her chest. "I- I'm sorry... I didn't knew...", the master thief apologized and sat down next to her.

"Like, how long?", she wanted to know and wiped a few tears from her cheeks. "I don't remember that exactly myself, but it only really became clear to me after I met him", Kaito admitted and leaned his head back with his eyes closed. "Him...?", Aoko asked. "Yes... Do you remember when I was so depressed at dinner last night? That was because I had found out that he had been kissed by someone else. Not only that, he doesn't seem interested in the same gender at all", Kaito explained twisting the truth just a tiny bit. "And who is it?" "Shinichi Kudo", the thief admitted. Just thinking about the master detective brought a small smile to his face, even though his mood was lower than in the basement.

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