Chapter 5

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After Aoko calmed down, knowing that Kaito was feeling the same pain as she did was giving her at least some satisfaction, they headed back to the class. Of course both had to do detention for the extreme delay.

Meanwhile Commissioner Nakamori had found Kaito's announcement and was already busy making security arrangements. He was actively supported by Shinichi Kudo. Hakuba joined them a little later.

"Hey Kudo! I think Kid has actually feelings for you", Hakuba explained to his colleague. "Oh yes? Is that so? And you concluded that from a single kiss?", Shinichi questioned Hakuba's assumption. Hakuba actually figured it out based on Kaito's reactions at school but could he just say that they were in the same class now? Up until now nobody had believed him that Kaito Kuroba and Kaito Kid were the same people so why should it be any different this time? Was it because Shinichi was also a detective and not a blockhead like all the cops? For the time being Hakuba would keep this information to himself... And he couldn't thought about it any longer because Kid's performance was supposed to start in a few minutes.

After looking up from his watch, he found Shinichi gone. Apparently Hakuba wasn't the only one who came up with his own plan because he didn't trust the police... or was there another reason?

While Hakuba was making final preparations for his extra plan, Shinichi was already on the roof of the museum, waiting for Kid to complete his heist. For once, his focus wasn't on preventing the theft, after all they would get the stolen goods back anyway. At the moment the answers to his questions and feelings were simply more important to him. Even if it was selfish.

It was exactly 8 p.m., it was already dark outside. Kid was undercover among the cops and when the lights went out he slipped out of his brilliant disguise and quickly picked the small lock on the Emerald's glass case.

The light went on and Kid stood in front of the cops grinning, holding up the gem. But before Commissioner Nakamori could even order Kid to be attacked he erupted in a puff of smoke. You could almost assume a new personal time record for him!

Through the elevator, which was actually still in operation, he would reach the roof.  Unfortunately, he was too confident to realize that this was a trap because as soon as he had gone a few floors up the elevator's door opened and Hakuba jumped in! Suddenly Kid was chained to the railing inside the elevator. Startled he gasped and looked the blond detective straight in the eyes. "I have finally got you Kato Kid... or should I call you Kaito Kuroba?", Hakuba asked arrogantly, grabbing the monocle and the thief's hat. With his free hand Kaito slapped his opponent's hands away and pulled something out of his pocket. "A grenade? You wouldn't dare blow us both up", Hakuba said and was about to continue what he had started. Then he heard the firing pin pull. Now it was he who looked startled at the thief's hand. Luckily for him he wasn't mistaken with his comment about blowing up both of them because the grenade just emitted an unknown gas. A few seconds later he was unconscious on the ground.

The elevator continued to go up and slowly Kaito ran out of air since he just managed to hold his breath for about a minute. Unfortunately, bause he hadn't expected to use his sleeping gas, he didn't have his gas mask with him either and picking the lock on the handcuffs with just his left hand was a little more difficult than two-handed or even just with right.

Eventually the elevator door opened on the roof and allowed the gas to flew out. But he was still chained up and sooner or later the police would be looking for him here too, or at the latest when Hakuba would regain consciousness he would be dead.

Unfortunately for him things got a lot worse. Shinichi stepped straight into the elevator out of the darkness with his hands in his pockets. "I finally got you, Kid...", he said in an almost spooky tone while grinning mischievously. "I didn't expect to see you again that soon, master detective. Didn't I scare you off at all?", Kid asked with his usual poker face so he wouldn't show how much he was suffering. "That would have been nice", Shinichi replied, which confused Kaito. How did he mean that? But he didn't have much time to think about it because the next moment Shinichi leaned towards him and united their lips again... What the?! Kid was too stunned by the whole situation to even think about returning and just as he realized what was happening the detective pulled away and gave a short laugh, he had gotten his answer.

"What-how-why?!", was all Kid could say, he understood nothing! "It was mine", Shinichi replied while stepping out of the elevator. He quickly pressed all the buttons and threw in a key before finally disappearing.

Kaito first had to process what had just happened and therefore hadn't even noticed that the key for the handcuffs was at his feet.

It was only when the door opened again and he saw screaming police officers running towards him that he emerged from his thoughts and recognized the key. Shortly thereafter he was already out of the building and on his way into his bed...

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