Chapter 11

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"No matter what you're thinking right now, it's right! I have EVERYTHING against him. And give me a week, then I'll also have everything against you in my hands! The only reason it takes longer for you is because your family lives abroad. My people are on their way to your family at this very moment and also to Baaya. Your friends such as Aoko or Akako and other classmates are already under constant surveillance. Even your beloved hawk has a crosshair on its beak throughout. And while we're on the subject of love, rumors are telling you've got a certain interest in this Osaka guy. What would your reputaion or even he say about it? Well?" "That's nonsense!", Hakuba protested at the accusation. "Oh yes? But I see it differently. After all, he was the only person you reacted to", the kidnapper teased Hakuba a little. After all the kidnapper always found teasing Hakuba amusing...

"Well then, as Kid would now say: It's Showtime!", the fake said, left the room and turned off the light. Hakuba didn't even dared to call for help because this fake would hear him and do whatever with him!

Hakuba spent his time in the basement and reflected the past events as well as the words of his kidnapper. One detail in particular just couldn't get out of his mind. So there was a rumor he was into Heiji? That's more than just absurd! However he had more than enough time in captivity to think about it- "STOP!!", someone shouted and it seemed to be taking place one floor above the blonde. For a moment he thought it was Heiji's voice but that was probably his imagination, he had been just thinking too much about him- "HE HELPED KID!!", the same voice yelled, which Hakuba could now clearly identify as Heiji's. Was he still at the mansion Kid was about to strike? "I'M HEEEERREEE!!!" Hakuba yelled hoping that one of Commissioner Nakamori's useless cops might hear him after all.
BANG! A shot rang out and footsteps grew closer until the door opened again and the fake Hakuba walked limping into the room. Blood was running down his left calf while he was holding his left arm. He slammed the door and immediately turned his gaze to the real Hakuba. "You! It's your fault! What did you tell them?? Did you knew about me before or why did the Osaka guy have such a hunch?! Like he knew fully well I wasn't you!", the fake complained while limping over to the tied up detective but then the door slammed open again.  It was Heiji who came in and there were a dozen policemen behind him. "Don't move!!", the detective of the west shouted and aimed a gun at the fake Hakuba who summarily pulled out his own gun and aimed it at the real one! "I'll gladly give that back! One movement and your beloved Englishman will come out of here in a coffin!", the fake threatened and shuffled on to the tied young man until he was standing behind him.

POOFF they all heard and smoke appeared in a dark corner of the room. In it the moonlight thief appeared in person and said in a slightly angry voice: "Let Hakuba go, it's me you want!" The real Hakuba raised an eyebrow in surprise that Kid was standing up for him. Something was different about Kid though...

"How long have you known that I'm pretending to be other people?", the fake asked. "Ever since I thought you were my mother to get information", Kid answered in a nice tone... "That's how it is..." "Yes, and it was me who gave the detective from Osaka the note with the reference to you!" "That's all well and good, but why aren't the cops attacking you or me?", the kidnapper asked and laughed lightly. Kid snapped his fingers at this and all the cops disappeared. "If we had called the cops, Hakuba would be dead by now. They're just incompetent laymen. I needed someone who really cared about Hakuba's life", Kid said causing the blond's heart to beat a little faster. So Heiji really cared about him?

His kidnapper was just about to say something when his pistol suddenly flew out of his hand, Kid had hit it perfectly with his card gun. Now he was trapped...

"You take care of the rest, detective. I have still a necklace to steal", Kid said and disappeared in another cloud of smoke in the same corner he hadn't even stepped out of. Didn't he wanted his face to be seen? Hakuba would worry about that later.

Heiji pulled out his phone and called someone without taking his gun off the fake. Shortly thereafter dozens of real police officers stormed into the room. Heiji untied Hakuba and helped him out of the basement. In fact, they had been under the widow's estate all along.

The two detectives didn't look back but heard someone say: "Nisemono, you're under arrest!" before finally exiting the building.

Outside the two of them sat in the back seat of a police car and drove to some police station with some policeman. Heiji didn't even let go of Hakuba and in the arms of the detective of the west Hakuba eventually felt safe again...

While the dark-haired rubbed Hakubas back soothingly, he looked up from the floor straight into Heiji's eyes, but his gaze wandered further down and caught on his lips... He would have liked to kiss him now, he had to admit that.

And as if Heiji could read minds, he leaned down a little and connected their lips. Yep, his kidnapper was probably right. He really fell in love with Heiji... Heiji might be an evidence-wasting idiot, but he was also a damn cute idiot.

Arriving at the station, Hakuba immediately gave his report and that same night Shinichi was released and finally reunited with Kaito, who was limping a bit...?

The next day Shinichi, Kaito and Heiji met at Jii's pool bar.

"Then everything went according to plan?  Hakuba won't figure it out?", Shinichi asked again to be sure. "Yes, he really thinks a man named Nisemono kidnapped him", Heiji confirmed since he had spent the last night with said blond detective. "I'm just glad you didn't accidentally took the Real Weapon. Even though it was just a blank, my leg still hurts", Kaito nagged while rubbing his left calf. Luckily his arm was only grazed.

"Can I see the recorder again?", Kaito asked Jii and Jii handed it to him.

He pressed the first button and Kaito's slightly enraged voice cried out: "Let Hakuba go, it's me you want!" He also checked the other recorded phrases an then hit with a hammer on the recorder until there were only tiny pieces left. Will Hakuba ever figure out that Kaito played his kidnapper yesterday? Let's hope not, but since he and Heiji have been dating since last night, the Osaka detective might still be able to turn things around for the team-KID somehow, but until then they'd keep looking for Pandora and who knows, maybe they'll get there before Hakuba finds out.

~The End~

IMPORTANT: Stay tuned, I'm considering writing a sequel!

Heyyyy! And what do you think of the story? I spontaneously brought the Ship Hakuba x Heiji in! xD Maybe you'll find more stories you like on my profile, I'm about to translate my other FF about Magic Kaito and I'm recently working on another one! Comments, votes and subscriptions are always welcome 👀
Thanks for reading,
your Agent_Stein07english <3

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