Chapter 3

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"Are you alright Shinichi? What happened in here?", Ran wanted to know and looked around the room to check if Kid was there. "...he stole it...", the addressed one just repeated and lowered his head. "What? Did he make it?? What exactly did he steal?!", Hakuba prodded, not believing that Kid had actually managed to steal something again. And of all people it was something from Shinichi Kudo! And it didn't looked like something was missing... Shinichi sat down on one of the seats and everyone waited spellbound for his answer. First he paused and took another deep breath before he answered: "He stole... my first kiss..."

At first everyone gasped in shock before it became very quiet. Did they got him right? He couldn't be serious, could he? "Really now? Is that why all the drama??", Kogoro complained and crossed his arms. "Wait... You've never kissed anyone? I always thought you were dating Ran?", Hakuba asked confused, to which the mentioned girl turned a little red. "No... Ran and I are just old friends...", Shinichi said. Ouch, that must've hurt...

"Anyway, we're about to land, so let's all sit down now", Ginzo explained, meanwhile walking to his own seat.

Nobody spoke a word until landing as if the mood wasn't strange enough. At least Shinichi could use the rest of the time to think about what happened and to make a decision. He would take the kiss back no matter what the cost! He would do it consistently and maybe that would put his feelings in order. He really hoped so.

That evening he went to bed purposefully, but even in his sleep the events of the day haunted him and gave him no rest. The images kept appearing in his mind and it seemed to him that he could actually feel the thief's breath. It didn't let him rest and he hated himself for it! He only called Ran a friend but he still loved her! Then why did he feel that way in the presence of the master thief??

Then, when Shinichi woke up the next morning he wasn't sure whether he had slept great or horribly, he flew back on the same plane. After all he still had work to do and he had to do it in the same town as Kid. At the time the detective had no idea that said thief was still on the plane. Kaito assumed that the plane would fly back at some point and had therefore slept between the luggage. Sure it wasn't exactly comfortable, but what else could he have done? On top of that he was too depressed to even go anywhere else.

The magician had slept on the return flight since he had hardly gotten any sleep during the night. Because if he'd been too busy self-doubting, then when was he supposed to sleep? He really thought there was some kind of connection between himself and his rival and hoped he wasn't the only one feeling it. Had he just imagined that? Was he now so good at deceit that he had deceived his own heart? And if so, why? It just didn't make sense to him.

After the plane finally landed some employees went to unload the luggage and were accidentally waking up Kid who didn't even realize where he was. Then he suddenly realized... He was still on the plane! And he would be late for school too!! He immediately sprinted out, ignoring the shocked workers and walking straight past the police officers. "Kid?", Shinichi asked puzzled while walking alongside the cops and thought his eyes were playing tricks on him. What was Kaito Kid doing at the airport? "Get him!!!", Ginzo yelled as he finally did noticed who was walking past him. However the phantom thief had already disappeared before the police officers could react. What were they expecting?

After school and detention since Kaito was way too late for the first class, he went to Jii's pool bar. He advised Kaito to distract himself by planning the next coup. Why not? He had to admit that stealing was somewhere fun too. So he set about planning his next big gig. This time he was going to steal an emerald from a museum and since Jii had already done the groundwork they finished the planning that evening.

Luckily before dinner because Aoko would have gotten angry if he had been late again.

He entered his friend's apartment and when he could smell the delicious food at least some of his worries were gone. Nobody could resist good food!

Aoko's father was just on the toilet so Kaito snuck into his bag and put his announcement letter in it. Soon after that the food was served.

"You'll never believe that!", Ginzo started a conversation and took another bite. "What is it?", Aoko asked and Kaito was curious too what would follow now. "Kid managed to steal something again! But something completely different than usual! I just can't figure out how this thief is thinking!" the policeman complained. "Oh yeah? What did he steal?" Aoko wanted to know...

KaiShin/ShinKai "The Stolen Kiss" (Finished!)Where stories live. Discover now