Chapter 9

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Because Shinichi had already done a lot for the police they granted his wish to talk privately with the other detective and therefore led those two to a separate room where they sat down at a table. "That I would ever see that... the big Shinichi Kudo in handcuffs!", Heiji made fun of the other's predicament. "This is serious, I need your help", Shinichi brought the other back on the ground of facts. "What exactly are you accused of anyway?", Heiji wanted to know because he couldn't work without any information. "Saguru Hakuba claims I'm in cahoots with Kaito Kid and even helped him with his last heist", Shinichi explained. "Let me guess. Since you can't leave, I shall prove him wrong?", Hattori guessed because it was the most plausible explanation. "Not quite...", Shinichi said which made Heiji curious. Shinichi leaned forward and whispered: "What if, hypothetically, I actually helped Kid?" Heiji jumped up from his chair and was shaken. "Excuse me?! Tell me that was a joke!" "What if, purely hypothetically, I understood his motive?" "Then I would wonder what motive justifies such actions!!" "How about you stop yelling and sit down for me to explain?", Shinichi suggested and you could tell that Heiji struggled a bit while he hesitated before finally sitting down.

"I'm hearing.." "So let's assume there's theoretically an organization that's after a very specific gem and they've already killed a lot of people to find it. And let's say Kid would also be looking for that gem to destroy it so that this organization doesn't get hold of it, then in the long run it would be better to support a thief to prevent further murders", Shinichi declared while trying to reveal as little as possible to protect Heiji as much as possible and to hold him out of the matter.  "You got bored without a dangerous organization chasing you, didn't you?", Heiji asked sarcastically while rolling his eyes. But you're right. Better helping a thief who hands back the stolen things anyway, than letting dozens of murders walking freely. How can I help?" Shinichi put on his usual I-knew-it smirk since he knew he would convince Heiji and together they came up with a plan.

They were in the middle of discussing their tactics when the door to the room opened.  Was their time up? But to their surprise it wasn't a policeman, but Kaito Kuroba who entered the room! Kaito also seemed quite taken aback when he saw the two detectives. "Huh? Did I miss something? I was told I would find you here Shinichi. And you were Heiji Hattori?", Kaito asked while closing the door behind him. "Yes, I am. And you are?", the detective of the west asked. "Who I am? Didn't Shinichi tell about me? You're friends, aren't you?", Kaito asked irritated whereupon the eyes of the two boys wandered to Shinichi who swallowed. "Weeeeell... Heiji, this is Kaito Kuroba, my boyfriend..." "Excuse me?!", Heiji suddenly yelled and jumped up from his chair again. "Why don't you tell me something important like that earlier?! Then I would have come here earlier to meet him!", Heiji said mockingly indignant because such information was withheld from him. The other two exhaled relieved and Kaito grabbed a folding chair from the corner to sit down with them at the table. "So what are you two doing", the magician asked.

All three let their eyes dart between each other, unsure if they should say anything. Heiji didn't knew if Kaito knew about Shinichi's connection to Kid, Shinichi was afraid that his boyfriend might get angry for dragging Heiji into it and Kaito wondered what the heck was going on there.

But after a while of silence, Shinichi overcame his misgivings and cleared his throat. "I asked Heiji to help me with my problem with Kid, he's on my side and we were just about to make a plan. But the whole thing would certainly be easier if I had the consent of Kid to tell Heiji more, or even better if Kid were present", Shinichi explained to Kaito and indirectly asked him for permission to initiate Heiji even further.

Kaito giggled and then said: "Too bad Kid can't just break into a police station. Oh, maybe he can? I'll go and ask him!"

Still snickering the moonlight thief left the room only for Kaito Kid to appear in a puff of smoke on the table where the two detectives were sitting. "I heard someone asked for me", Kid said grinning and bowing. At first Heiji was quite surprised that the internationally wanted thief was actually able to join them so quickly but then he realized something... "Kaito Kuroba?", the detektive from Osaka addressed the thief who blinked in surprise. He left the table and sat down on the chair he were sitting on just a few seconds earlier and crossed his legs with a mischievous grin. "May I ask how you found out?", the gentleman thief wanted to know. "Well, Kaito said he's going to get you, you show up in no time and he's not coming back. So it makes sense that you're the same person. Also, Shinichi's insinuations were just pretty obvious, he's never been good at lying or hiding anything", the Detective of the West explained.

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