Chapter 10

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Since Heiji already knew that Shinichi's boyfriend was Kid, the thief quickly changed his clothes again in case a policeman might come in after all. The three of them now optimized the plan they had started up to and soon had summarized useful ideas.

They would start with the whole thing as early as next week since it wasn't possible any sooner because an important component was still missing...

And this was none other than Jii! He had traveled a few days ago and would not be back in town for a few more days, but without him the plan wouldn't work. However, they have already been able to complete some preparations to date. Together Heiji and Kaito delivered another announcement from Kid to the police and already decorated the scene enough that everything would go according to plan.

After Jii had finally returned, Kaito and Heiji immediately went to his pool bar to inform him about everything.

"Y-you want what, young sir??", Jii asked to make sure he had understood everything correctly. "You heard me right. And the whole thing is supposed to take place tomorrow! Any objections?", the magician asked to be sure. Jii was still a bit taken by surprise but he certainly wouldn't refuse!

The next day dawned and everything went as usual. The police were early in the morning at the home of some rich woman who didn't want the phantom thief to steal her necklace, the last memento of her dead husband! Aoko's father had once again asked Kaito if he could take a look at the whole thing which of course played directly into his hands. Also present were the two detectives Hakuba and Heiji because now that Shinichi was locked away the police needed all the help they could get.

Everything took its usual course until Kaito sneaked into the basement quite conspicuously. Of course Hakuba followed him, also descended the gloomy stairs, almost tripped and looked for the light switch when he was finally downstairs.

After the blond had finally found the light switch and now hastily looked around for the thief, he suddenly felt a thud on the back of his head before everything went black...

When he slowly regained consciousness, he had a terrible headache and an unbearable ringing in his ears, which was very slow to subside. After his vision cleared he saw himself. Wait a minute... he saw himself??  Maybe the hit was harder he than he had suspected.

"Awake Hakuba?", he was asked by himself and then only blinked in perplexity. That was even his voice! "Who are you??", the blonde detective wanted to know. "Who I am? I am you! At least for now. After you arrested Kudo Kid needs another detective to help him and who's better than you? Of course I could have taken this guy from Osaka but he probably won't stay long either. To make it short: you won't see the light of day again until Kid achieves his goal and you know what the funniest part is?? He doesn't even know I'm helping him! He is completely clueless! I've been to so many people just to get him closer to his goal. Because when he finally has the stone he is looking for, when he is most vulnerable and I pretend to be his best friend again for example, then I can steal the stone from him and can finally get rid of him. Do you understand? I'm doing all this just to get rid of Kid! So we're on the same side Hakuba! And if you hadn't had Kudo arrested, you and me could have taken action against this criminal magician together, I could have let you in on my plans, but then you had to look two degrees too far to the left and see how I had moved my foot! Well that's your bad luck! Now we're rivals too!", the fake Hakuba declared and the real one was just shocked. He had wrongly accused Kudo? And this lunatic wants to murder Kid?? And he probably won't live long either?! Panic! Hakuba was really panicking for the first time! However, acting as cool and composed as usual, he had to somehow get out of this dilemma. How did Shinichi get out? Sure, this identity-thief needed someone to sit in jail for him after he was blown. So his only chance would be that he too would be accused of collaborating? Heiji! Heiji was also pretty good-looki... a pretty good detective! Surely he would recognize the fake! Or Kid! Kid has to figure it out at some point? In this situation, those were the only two people who could help him unless Kudo was released and reported what really happened to him. All that was left for Hakuba was collecting information... "I'll probably die before someone finds out your secret anyway, so you can tell me who kidnapped me", the detective said. "Nice try, Kudo thought he was smarter than me too. If I had told him my name then I would have been dead by now, so you won't find out either. But you're right about one thing... you're going to die before you get out of here! Also... why do you think Kudo hasn't told anyone about his kidnapping yet?" Hakuba pondered his kidnapper's words for a few moments, he must have something on Shinichi... but what? Did he have his parents or friends? Did he know about the relationship between him and Kid? Was there possibly even more that the brown-haired one was hiding from the world?

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