Chapter 6

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...Shortly afterwards he was already out of the building and on his way into his bed...

So while Kaito was trying hard to sleep, which of course didn't work because of the whole emotional chaos, Hakuba was evaluating the newly gained information. Because he had come earlier back to consciousness than the other two might have thought. The blond boy was already conscious when Shinichi entered the elevator and had thought it would be best to assess the situation. When he then noticed how his dear colleague kissed the thief and then threw the key at Kid, Hakuba thought he might still be in some weird dream. But since he was definitely no longer dreaming he had to figure out what was going on between them. There was a lot more then you could see, he was sure.

His suspicions were only strengthened when his doorbell rang and he saw Shinichi Kudo behind it. "Kudo?" "I have an issue", the brown-haired got straight to the point without greeting his colleague. "Come in", Hakuba said while stepping into the living room. "What's up?", he asked curiously. "Could you tell me everything you know about Kid?" "And why?", Hakuba asked suspiciously. "Why would a detective want information about a criminal?", Shinichi asked rhetorically. "I don't know, that's why I'm asking", Hakuba replied but he was completely serious and narrowed his eyes. "How about you just answer my question", Shinichi demanded and his eyes also darkened. "Fine. I think it's enough if I tell you his real name. I'm sure you'll find out the rest by yourself." "I'm sorry, what?? You know his real name?! Why didn't you report that to the police??", Shinichi wanted to know and was horrified. "I tried that but he made it look like it wasn't even possible that Kaito Kuroba was Kaito Kid", Hakuba replied to the question. Suddenly Shinichi got up and quickly walked towards the exit. "Thank you", he called before he left the building.

This name, Kaito Kuroba, he'd definitely heard it before and wouldn't stop until he found out from where!

He kept his promise and kept himself awake all night with the help of his beloved coffee. In the morning he knew exactly where this Kaito Kuroba lived, what school he went to and he knew the connection to Ginzo Nakamori and his doughter. He just couldn't think of where he knew the name from.

At some point he couldn't stand it any longer, he fell asleep at his kitchen table and woke up around noon. Luckily for him, just in time, because in an hour Kaito would be out of school.

Shinichi quickly got ready, then rushed to his school and waited in front of the building. Gradually more and more students stepped out and he would have liked to fall asleep again if he hadn't discovered his target. Immediately his heart beat faster, and he wasn't even sure if it was really Kid. But what he was sure about now were his feelings for that moonlight thief.

He approached Kaito and found that he was not alone but walking alongside Detective Nakamori's daughter. His rescue was another girl who distracted Aoko so Kaito continued walking alone. Shinichi hurriedly went around the next corner to keep himself undercover, but had briefly forgotten that his target had to go this exactly way. That's why it didn't take long before Kaito also turned around the corner and stopped perplexed when he looked into the eyes of the detective in front of him.

Shinichi was barely thinking straight and acting on instinct as he pinned Kaito to the wall next to them and kissed him again. But Kaito was paralyzed! Firstly one of his biggest rivals and at the same time great love shows up behind his school and now he kissed him?! Again??

So while Kaito was busy dealing with the situation, Shinichi realized it was the real Kid. Those were the same lips he had felt yesterday.

Slowly he broke the kiss, although he would have preferred to never leave the spot again, but Kaito just didn't returned the kiss...

"I got you, Kid...", Shinichi whispered in Kaito's ear, paying particular attention to the suggestive undertone in his voice that sent shivers down Kaito's spine. " do you know-" "I would recognize those lips among thousands", the detective replied before Kaito had even finished speaking. He dragged his thief by the hand and looked for a suitable spot to talk. Meanwhile Kaito just stared at their hands, which Shinichi didn't let go. Not even after they sat down. It never occurred to Kaito that there was such a thing as a poker face, not at the speed of his heartbeat.

"So", Shinichi started and sighed slightly. "Why did you kiss me?", the detective asked, which only puzzled Kaito more. "You're asking me why I kissed you when you've kissed me twice before, ambushed me both times and are still holding my hand? Why don't you start explaining??", Kaito demanded angrily. "Fine. I kissed you in the elevator to clarify my feelings, I just kissed you to see if it's really you and I'm holding your hand so you don't run away from me", he answered all questions truthfully, but left out the detail that he also held his hand because it feels good and made his heart race.

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