Chapter 8

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A little later everything was ready, they just sent out the announcement and a few days later Kid showed up in a puff of smoke at some rich rascal's mansion. The police were already assembled and charged at the Phantom Thief but Shinichi kicked a small rock aside, which triggered a mechanism that caused a cage to fall from the ceiling, stopping all the officers at once.

Kid was just taking the ring that contained the stone when he heard the words of a second detective.  In shock he turned to see Hakuba handcuffing Shinichi while saying: "I'm arresting you for collaborating with a wanted criminal!"

As soon as Kaito saw this he was paralyzed and didn't know what to do anymore, while both detectives looked him straight in the eye. Hakuba's gaze said something like: "I have you!" While Shinichi was trying to tell his boyfriend without words to don't do anything wrong in this situation.

That's why he left as usual, checked the gem, returned it after it turned out to be the wrong one and went to the pool bar to join Jii.

"Jii! He called desperately as he walked in. "What's going on young sir?", the bar owner asked (A/N: Does Jii call him young sir in the english version? That's what he's saying in german tho...). "They arrested Shinichi for helping me!" "What? But how were they supposed to know?" "Hakuba must have seen the mechanism that Shinichi started! He arrested him shortly after that!", the thief explained and sat down on one of the bar chairs. Just as he dropped his head on the bar his phone rang. It was Aoko but he absolutely didn't feel like talking to her right now  and pushed her away. It wasn't until the third call that he finally took. "Yes?", he asked.  "Your boyfriend has been arrested! I thought you should know that but you always hang up!!", she complained and hung up on herself without waiting for a response from Kaito. "I have to go", Kaito said to Jii and went straight out of the  Bar to the police station to check on his boyfriend.

"Kaito??", Shinichi asked in surprise and gripped the bars of his cell tightly after seeing his boyfriend running towards him. "What are you doing here? You have to get out of here immediately!", he instructed the thief but he only smiled dejectedly and then assured him: "I'm here as an official visitor, I know from Aoko that you were arrested. Don't worry, we'll get you out of here somehow."

"Don't be so sure about that, I have hard evidence! You could only get him out of here by admitting that you're  Kid." Hakuba suddenly came from behind and had a victorious grin on his face. "How many times do I have to tell you I'm not Kid! And Shinichi would never do something like that!", Kaito defended his boyfriend. "Oh yes? So it's just a coincidence that Kid kissed him on the plaine, he then kissed Kid in the elevator, finds out from me that you're Kid, entered into a relationship with you shortly after that, and earlier a cage fell from the ceiling after he kicked a rock aside with his foot? I don't think so and this time they will believe me too, count on it!", Hakuba finished and left the corridor with the cells.

Kaito and Shinichi were more desperate than ever. How are they supposed to get him out of there?

They searched forever for a solution until at some point the visiting hours were over. The only person the thief could think of who could help him was Akako!

The next day at school Kaito walked straight up to the witch. "I need your help", he got straight to the point. "Oh yeah? What could Kaito Kid of all people want my help for?" "How often do I need to repeat myself, I'm not Kid, I'm a much better magician! Also, my boyfriend was arrested on suspicion of being in cahoots with Kid. That's why I wanted to ask you to do your little witchcraft and get him out of there", he begged her willing to do just about anything. "I don't do anything for free", she said but Kaito was already prepared for that. "What do you want?", he asked in a tone that was far too serious for him. "What I want is that all the men in this world fall at my feet but you are the exception. What I want is, that that changes and you're also  lying at my feet", she demanded and smiled slyly. "You know that's not going to work!", he dismissed her request. "But that's the only thing I want. Then we won't be able to get a deal", she explained and turned away. Furious Kaito left her seat to keep his poker face uprighthe since he would have freaked out if he would have been there any longer. Who else could he ask?

Meanwhile the detective in captivity had his own plan in mind. After all there was too much at stake for him to sit around lazily. He was allowed to make a phone call and he didn't needed to think about it bevor calling Heiji Hattori!

"Hello?", the detective who had just been called from a strange number asked. "Heiji it's me, Shinichi. I've been arrested and I need your help. Come as soon as you can!", he begged his  friend and colleague for help and quickly told them where he had been arrested after he had received a promise.

But since the journey took some time Heiji didn't arrived at said prison until the next day. Together with a guard he entered the cell block where Shinichi was sitting and he couldn't believe his eyes when he actually found him behind bars. Sure he had told him he was arrested, but he hadn't certainly believed that. What reason could exist for arresting Shinichi Kudo out of all people?

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