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"Y/n..! Y/N!! WAKE UP!!!" I slowly open mine eyes to see my angry roommate on top of me.

"Ugh what do u want..." I say, groaning. "Well its 2pm-" Before she could even say anything else, I cut her of. "ITS 2PM AND U DIDNT WAKE ME UP EARLIER?!" I shout. "WELL ITS YOUR FAULT FOR HAVING AN FUCKED UP SLEEP SCHEDULE!!" 

She wasnt wrong tho, i did have a really bad sleep schedule. It went silence for a few seconds. "Well? are you going to keep sleeping?" I stare at her for some seconds. Sighing, i get out of bed. "Thought so." She mutters, walking out the room.

 God i hated her.. Well not really, me and Cora have been best friends since kindergraden.

 i grab some baggy pants and an hoodie and went to the bathroom, and took a shower and washed my hair.

I got out of the shower and gradded 2 towels and dryed myself of and blowdryed my hair. I put on my clothing and brushed my hair. I wanted to do my make-up so, i did. I put on eyeliner and some mascara and headed downstairs.


"Took u long enough, why are you wearing make-up, are u going somewhere?" Cora tilts her head, "Nah,  just wanted to do it. I havent wore make-up in a while." I walk over to the kitchen and open the frigde. Ofcourse, it was empty! "Coraaa~"Cora stands up and walks to the kitchen. "What?" "Well can u go buy food? there's actutally nothing in the fridge." Cora opens her mouth, but quickly closes it, she then walks out the kitchen. I furrow my brows and peek my head from behind the kitchen wall, watching her grab my jacket and keys. She walks back over to me, pushing the items in my hand "What am i supposed to do with this?" I look down at my jacket and keys, then back at Cora, "U havent gone outside in like, an week u need to go touch some grass" I stare at her. narrowing my eyes. Cora raises her brow, shit. She was serious. "Starve or.. Get food." She smiles sweetly at me, "Fine.." I groan, rolling my eyes. I walk past her, muttering curses under my breath as Cora smiles smugly at me. I put my jacket on and put my keys in my pocket and leave the apartment.


 As i leave the apartment building, I grab my phone and plug my headphones in. I scroll thru my spotify. After a few minutes i ended up to listing to Tyler The Creator.

After 10 minutes of walking, i arrived at the grocery store. I walk in the store and grab a trolly, and start walking down the ailses, while grabbing the stuff i need. I hum softly to the song im listing to, leaning on the trolly as i look at the various items.

I walk to the self scan when im finally done. I scan the foods and drinks, putting them in the plastic bags. I end up with 3 full bags. I pay for everything and walk out the grocery store.

I start walking back to the apartment building, then a seagull flys next to my head. I jump slightly, watching the seagull fly away. "Fucking bitc-" I mutter, till i bumped straight into someone. making me drop all my bags and makes my phone fly out my pocket. "Oh shit, my bad" A man says, quickly crouching down and grabbing my groceries. I freeze for a few seconds, shaking my head and also begin to pick up my groceries and putting them back in the plastic bag. "Its fine, my fault for not watching out" I laugh softly, glancing up at the man. then back at my dropped groceries. He chuckles lightly. "Was it tho? i saw the seagull fly by your head" I look at him, he grins slightly glancing at me. then back to grabbing the groceries. I shake my head, an soft chuckle leaving my lips.

He picks up the last item and places it in the bag and hands it to me. I smile, muttering an soft 'thank you', taking the bag as i grab the other 2. I glance over at the ground and grab mine phone. and he grabs his. We stare at each other for a few seconds, an akward tension filling the air. I glance away and quickly break the sillence. "uhm, thanks, again" He smiles and nods. "Not an problem" As he finishes his sentence, it went back to an akward sillence. I laugh slightly, my lips turning into an thin line. "im just gonna, go" I mutter, pointing in the direction i need to go. He also softly laughs and nods. "Yeah- thats an good idea" He nods and i nod back. I stand there for a few seconds, then quickly walking past him. That might been the MOST akward experience ive ever experienced.

~𝘮𝘪𝘴𝘶𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘳𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘯𝘥𝘪𝘯𝘨~ (𝙒𝙞𝙡𝙗𝙪𝙧𝙎𝙤𝙤𝙩𝙓𝙍𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧)Where stories live. Discover now