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I was in mine room listing to music until i heard a knock on my door, 'Come in!' Cora walked in my room, 'Wow why looking so glam?' she giggled. 'Wel am gonna take Lucy out on a date so.. Ill be home later then normal' I smirk, 'Stay how long u want, just dont do anything-' 'UHM YEAH THANKS BYEE!!' She was as red as a tomato and ran out the room, i fell off mine chair and started rolling on the floor. After some minutes i could finally breath normally again, i got up from the floor and went to sit on my chair again, i openend my fav spotify play list that i made with Wilbur. I put my headphones on and started listening to it. Every time i play this play list i always think about Wilbur.. I was zoned out till i got a message on my phone, i grabbed my phone and looked who it was, great timeing. It was Wilbur!


                                         Hey Y/n:)



                                                                       Am fine u?

                                     Doing good now that am talking with u;)

                             U always know how to make me blush dont u?

                                     Oh so am making u blush?:0

                                                    Anyways... Why did u text?

Lmao, wel i just wanted to know if u wanna do somthing later?

                                                  I would love to! what tho?


                                 Sounds like a plan! when can i come?

I need to do somthing first so maybe in a hour?:)

                                                                     Ofc! cya Wilby<3

    Cya love<3

I blushed at the nickname, i smiled and put my phone down. But then i remebererd... SHIT! i was gonna stream with Jack! me and Jack are best friends chat has called us the "the whopper duo" I dont even like whoppers! were called that beaceaus i saw a clip of Jack saying it into the mic and i did the same... I quickly open minecraft and join origins. I was a phantom, i typed in the chat, 'Hey jack sorry am kinda late-' 'doesnt matter ig >;(' He said, i looked if anyone else was online. Tommy and Tubbo and philza were on! 'Come to mine base pls' Jack said. It was day so i had to turn invisble, i started walking to Jacks base, After some seconds i was at his base. He ran up to me, ' vc2' I nodded mine minecraft skin and open discord, i joined the vc Jack was in, 'Y/NN!!' He screamed, 'HEY BALDI!' His minecraft skin slowly turns to me, 'What did u say?' 'MMMM nice base..' 'Thanks!' I started laughing, 'Say hi to Chat!' 'Oh hi chatt!!' 'Why did it take u so long anyways?' 'Thats none of your buinisse Jackie' I always call him Jackie cuz it anoys him. 'Wait never mind i know' 'go on then' 'You were talking with your boyfriend!!' I get a tint of red on mine cheeks, 'I dont have a boy-' 'Shush woman i know how u look at Wilbur' I started hitting Jacks charachter, 'OKAY OKAY AM SORRY-' He started laughing soon after i joined in.

~1 hour time skip~

'Bye chatt!!' 'Your leaving already?' Jack sounded sad, 'Yes yes i am sadly' 'Wel bye Y/n talk to you later!!' 'Cya Jackie boy!!' 'Wha-' Before he could finsish wat he was saying i left the call and i giggled to myself, i got a text from Wilbur. 'You can come if u want!:D' I smiled and put my phone in mine pocket, i grab my coat and put my shoes on, i knew when Cora said she would be home ''Later" but i knew she was gonna stay the night at Lucys place. I grab my keys and go to Wilburs house.

After a 5 minute walk i was at his house, i rang the door bell. It didnt even take a second and the door swong open, 'Y/n!!' I smiled. 'Hi Wilby' He rolled his eyes and i hugged him, he quickly returned the hug. I let go and looked at him. I scanned his beautiful featurs, his eyes, his smile. 'Y/n?' I quickly snapped out of it. 'Oh uhm- i-' He chuckeld, and picked me up bridal style. 'Wil let go of me!' Wilbur just laughed and i scoffed, he walked up the stairs to his room and put me down. 'Dont ever pick me up, ever' He just rolled his eyes. I went to his bed on sat down. Wilbur sat at his pc, 'What are we gonna stream?' He spun his chair to look at me, 'A u laugh u lose?' I nodded and he smiled, 'How many lives do u want?' '3' I said, 'Your sure?' He raised a eyebrow, i nodded. 'Am a god at these believe me!' He giggled a little and spun back to his pc, 'Should i grab a chair?' I asked. 'No u can have this one' 'U sure?' He nodded, 'Okay just sit here and ill grab a chair for myself' I nodded and he walked out the room. I stood up and sat down in the chair. I looked at the stream and looked at the title. "Doing a ylyl with mine special person<3" I smiled and felt mine face warm up, 'Why are u smiling?' I jump a little and look at Wilbur with a chair in his hands, 'Am your special person huh?' I said with a smug smirk, i saw his face get red, 'Uhm.. Anyways lets get started with the stream alright?..' He placed his chair next to mine, i giggled a little. 'Just click "start stream" ' I nodded and clicked on the button, 'Hey chat!!' Wilbur said, 'Hey chat!' I said while waving. I looked at chat, "OMG THE TITLE I CANT AAAA-" "just get togheter already!" "HIII" I looked at Wilbur, he was getting redder by the second. I giggled, 'Uhm- so chat like the title said were gonna do a ylyl so.. LET THE CHOAS BEGIN!!' I laughed, Wilbur looked at me and gave me one earplug, he put the other one in and so did i. The first video was a edit of me and Wilbur, i slightly smiled and so did Wilbur, the next clip was of someone smacking a piece of cheese on a table and saying "cheese" 'Cheeze' I said with a funny accent, Wilbur put his hand over his mouth. I looked at him, 'CMON WIL WERE NOT EVEN 5 MINUTES IN!!' His hand let go of his mouth and he burst out laughing, 'WIL NOOO-' He started laughing even harder.

1 hour and 37 minutes we lost, i laughed at a clip of Wilbur saying "I swallow cum" and Wilbur laughed at me and Jack saying "whopper" in our mics at the same time, 'Wel chat u were funny today' I nodded mine head, 'Wel bye bye chat!!' He said, 'Bye chat!!' We both weaved at chat and Wil ended, 'I cant belive u laughed at me saying "i swallow cum" ' He looked at me, 'Who is the one who laughed not even 5 minutes in the challeng?' Wilbur stayed silent, 'Thats wat i thought' We both laughed. 'Am gonna put this chair back' I nodded, he left with the chair. I grabbed mine phone and opend TikTok, the first video was a compelesion of Wilbur calling me nicknames, i smiled, 'Watcha watching?' I turn mine head to see Wilbur leaning on the door frame, 'Oh just some TikTok' I closed TikTok and put mine phone down, 'Okay.. by the way! i have gift for u' I tilt mine head, 'A gift u didnt have to-'  'Shhh its for the both of us' I furrow mine eyebrows, 'What do u mean?' He grabs 2 heart lockets out his pocket and give me one, i look at Wilbur and he was smiling. I look at the locket and open it, it said, "Wilbur my beloved" With a picture of him on the right, 'Do u like it? i have one of "Y/n my beloved" with a picture of u in it!' I giggle and put the neckless on, 'Its aborble Wil!' He smiled and put his neckless on.

I really do love this man


Hello beautys! sorry for not posting much:( i have been really busy with school lately sadly but i wil try to right more often now!

stay hyderated and healty!! <3

~𝘮𝘪𝘴𝘶𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘳𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘯𝘥𝘪𝘯𝘨~ (𝙒𝙞𝙡𝙗𝙪𝙧𝙎𝙤𝙤𝙩𝙓𝙍𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧)Where stories live. Discover now