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'WHAT DID U DO-' 'I ADDED FLOUR I DONT KNOW-'  I was doing a cooking stream with Jack, he just spilled flour EVERYWHERE. 'Yeah i see that... U added the flour.. BUT 50% WENT ON THE FUCKING COUNTER!!' 'WEL AM SORRY-' I grabbed a hand full of flour and slapped him on the face, 'OWWW, WHAT WAS THAT FOR-' I wipe mine hands of, 'For ruinening mine WHOLE counter' Jack looks at stream and fake pouts, 'See chat i get abused' I grabbed a other hand full of flour and smacked him again, 'BRO- ONCE WAS ENOUGH!-' I stick mine tongue out and Jack rolls his eyes.

We finally finished the cookies and put them in the oven, 'Hey, by the way' I turn to look to Jack, 'Yeah?' He looks at stream and then back to me, 'So, when did u get that heart locket?' I felt mine face heat up a little, 'None of your beeswax Jackie..' Jack smirked, 'Are u suuure? i was with Wilbur the other day and he was wearing a heart locket, just like yours' I start feeling mine face warm up more, 'Your getting more red you know-' 'Jack  if you dont shut up i will smack you in the face again with flour.' I stared into his eyes, 'UHMM HAHA- HOW LONG TILL THE COOKIES ARE DONE?-' i started laughing and so did Jack. 

Me and Jack were talking to Chat, BING! the cookies were ready! 'Ill grab them' Jack nodded and  continued to talk to Chat, i grabbed a oven mit and opened the oven. I was about to grab the cookies but then the door bell rang, me and Jack looked at each other, 'Did u invite anyone?' I shake mine head, 'Ill get it ill be right back' I nod and grab the cookies and put them down, 'Chat they smell so nic-' I heard mine name faintly in the background. I raise one eyebrow, 'Uhm Chat ill be right back-' I put the stream screen on "BRB" And go to the front door, 'Uhm Jack-' Jack quickly turns around, 'Y/N TELL ME WHY YOUR BOYFRIEND IS HERE' I raise a eyebrow, 'Who-' Jack steps away from the door, it was Wilbur, 'Wilbur!- what are u doing here?..' I feel mine face warm up' He rubs his neck, 'I dont know honestly..' 'You were probally jealous of me beacuse i was having fun with Y/n!' I turn to Jack and then back to Wilbur, 'No i wasnt..' I saw his cheecks go red, and i smirked. 'Oh is little Wilby jealous?' I grab the collor of his sweater, his face went even more red, 'I- uh- uhmm-' Jack coughed and i let go of Wilbur, 'You good?' I said to Jack, not soon after he burst out laughing, 'What i so funny-' 'BROO U GOT WILBUR SO RED-' He contunid laughing and i looked back at Wilbur. He was like a statue and i started laughing to. 

'Hey chat were back! with a little guest..' 'Can u guys guess who?' Jack said with a little smirk on his face' Me and Jack were reading Chat, "ITS WILBUR!!" "WILBUR???" "ITS WILBUR ISNT IT?" "WILBURRR??"  I chuckled a little and looked at Jack, and then back at stream, 'You can come out now!' I said, with in seconds Wilbur jumpend from behind the counter, 'SUPRISEEE!!' I giggled a little, 'Everyone was correct, it was mr simp' I giggled a little and Wilbur walked up behind Jack, 'What did u say' Jack slowly turned around and stept aside, 'HA- nothing..' 'He isnt wrong tho is he?' I said with a smirk on mine face, Wilbur stepped away from Jack and rolled his eyes. 'Wel anyways lets try the cookies!' I grabbed a cookie for the 3 of us, we all tryed the cookies at the same time, 'Bro i knew i was a good! chef this is bom!' 'You mean were a good chef, i helped to you know' 'Yeah, yeah' I rolled mine eyes and Wilbur chuckled, ' These cookies are good i argee' Wilbur said, we all finish our cookies and Jack looked at Wilbur, 'You ruinend our girls night' I look at Jack trying not to burst out laughing, 'What- girls night?' Wilbur said with confusion, 'Yeah! u had to be so clingy-' 'Okay Jack thats enough-' I said. Jack looked at the both of us, 'SO U GUYS DO HAVE MATCHING NECKLESSES-' 'I SAID ENOUGH JACK-' We all burts out laughing.



~𝘮𝘪𝘴𝘶𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘳𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘯𝘥𝘪𝘯𝘨~ (𝙒𝙞𝙡𝙗𝙪𝙧𝙎𝙤𝙤𝙩𝙓𝙍𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧)Where stories live. Discover now