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My eyes flutter open, my vision still blurry as I try to get up, immediately getting pulled back down. I furrow my brows in confusion, blinking a few times and rubbing my eyes.

As my vision clears up, I blink a last few times, before my eyes widen. Looking right at a sleeping Wilbur.

I feel my face heating up, my jaw dropping as I continue to stare at him, flabbergasted. 

I try to wiggle out his grip, but failing. His grip only getting tighter. 

I bite the inside of my cheek, looking around the room, the living room. Apparently we both fell asleep on the couch last night.

I continue to stare at him, getting more warmer and nervous. Why am I getting nervous? 

"Wil?.." I softly whisper, which he responds with a soft murmur. 

"Wil.." I repeat, slightly louder. Which again, he responds with a inaudible murmur, his grip around me getting even tighter.

A sigh leaves my lips, trying to shift out his tight grip. 

"Dont.. Dont leave.." He murmurs, causing me go to even redder. 

I stare at him, flabbergasted once again. 

Im about to say something, untill his eyes slowly flutter open, staring right at me with lidded eyes.

It takes him a few seconds before his eyes widen completely, he immediately losens his grip on me. 

I quickly get off of him, as we both stare at each other. An akward tension filling the room.

The tension thickens, thick enough to be suffocated. 

In one swift movement, Wilbur gets off the couch. His eyes darting all over the place, avoiding my gaze.

"Im- uh, im going to take.. Take a shower! yeah, shower." He stammers, turning around and practically sprints up the stairs. Almost falling over.

I watch him disappear from behind the wall. Slowly looking at the floor. 

I sigh, glancing around the the living room.

Slowly getting off the couch, brushing a hand thru my tangeld hair. 

What the actual fuck happend? Why do I feel like this? Why did he act like that? Why do I feel so.. Nervous? And, why the fuck am I blushing?! This isn't just some nervous reaction, theres's more about it.. 

Thinking about it makes my palms sweat.

I pace around the room, trying to gather my thoughts, only getting more and more nervous by the second.

I hastily put my shoes on. Grabbing my phone and sending Wilbur a text.


Ive gotta go, Cora needs me


I send the text, stuffing my phone in my pocket and leaving his house.


I open the front door, walking inside.

I call Cora's name.

No respones.

I furrow my brows, brushing it off. 

I kick my shoes off, biting the inside of my cheek as I walk up the stairs to my room.

As I enter the room, I immediately fall onto my bed, closing my eyes.

Processing everything.

I take a deep breat, shoving my head in my pillow.

What even happend?

Does he like me? Do I like him?

No- Stop overthinking it. It was just a akward moment that happend, no feelings involved






Really short chapter, so sorry! 
I also tried a different writing type. I dont know if I like it tho, LOL.

I was so cringe omd.


Wordcount: 519

~𝘮𝘪𝘴𝘶𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘳𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘯𝘥𝘪𝘯𝘨~ (𝙒𝙞𝙡𝙗𝙪𝙧𝙎𝙤𝙤𝙩𝙓𝙍𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧)Where stories live. Discover now