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I woke up with a huge headache, i slowly looked around, i was at Lucys house. I groan and get out of matrass i was laying on, i was still wearing the same clothes from yesterday, then i realized, where are Cora and Wil?! I quickly run downstairs, what a relief, Cora was there. 'Goodmorning' She said, 'Morning..' 'Headache?' I nod, i look around one more time. 'Where Wil and lucy?' Cora grabs her phone, 'Oh uhm, Lucy went to the store and Wilbur just left' I furrow mine eyebrows, 'What do u mean "Just left"?' 'He said he had to go quickly, i dont know...' I try to remeber what happend yesterday, the only thing i remeber was  me and Wil... I blush bright red, Cora looks at me and furrows her eyebrowa, 'U good? ur bright red' I nod, 'Uhm am gonna go home' She nods, i check if i have mine phone and keys in pocket, 'bye' I said and left.

I was finally home, i throw mine shoes away and plop on the couch. I open mine phone and try to call Wilbur. I waited for him to pick up, he didnt.. I started to panic and called him again, still no answer. I sigh and go upstairs, i took a quick shower and changed into some comfyer clothing. I looked at mine phone if maybe Wil called me back, nothing. I sigh and go downstairs, maybe i should go on a walk? yeah.. I grabbed mine shoes and went to the park.

After 5 minutes of walking i was finally there. I look for a bench i could sit at, there was one but someone was already siting there... Wait, i looked at the person again who was siting there, it was Wilbur! I jogged over to him, 'Hey Wil!' He quickly looked up from his phone, 'Oh hi'  I furrow mine eyebrows, and sit next to him. 'Are u okay?' He looked at me and scooted a little away from me. 'Yeah' I frown a little, 'Wil i know your not okay..' He looked at his phone again, 'I said am okay' i frown, 'Wil-' He quickly stood up, 'Y/n i said am okay!' I jumped a little at his tone, 'A-am sorry Y/n' 'Its alright Wil-' 'Am really sorry-' 'Wil i said its okay-' He looks at me, 'You dont even know what am talking about' I furrow mine eyebrows. 'What do u mean-' 'Am sorry for yesterday night!' He shoot at me, i blush a little thinking about it, 'Why are u sorry..?' He mumbeld somthing but i didnt understand, 'Can u say that louder?' I say while standing up. He takes a deep breath, 'I didnt mean it.' Mine eyes widen, 'U didnt mean what u said..?' I felt tears coming up. 'Yes ofcourse- but i was drunk i didnt-' Mine heart broke in a million pieces, a tear left mine eye. I saw his eyes widen, 'No no- i did!' 'I get it, u were drunk, u dont even like me.' 'No no Y/n listen-' Before he could say anything else i burt out crying and ran of. I softly heard Wilbur shouting mine name, i ignored it and kept running, i didnt care if anyone could see me crying, i just wanted to be home. 




~𝘮𝘪𝘴𝘶𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘳𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘯𝘥𝘪𝘯𝘨~ (𝙒𝙞𝙡𝙗𝙪𝙧𝙎𝙤𝙤𝙩𝙓𝙍𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧)Where stories live. Discover now