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It was a month ago that i was at Tubbos house, nothing has really changed. Jack still visits me daily, Cora came back home like 5 or 6 time. I dont really remeber. She has been spending all the time she has on Lucy, am not mad about it tho, its her life i cant control what she does.

 I was in the living room watching tv till someone bursts into the house, i jump a little and look at the person. 'HELLO' I sigh, 'Hey Jack' He closed the door and sat next to me. 'Why u here?' I asked, 'Uhm, so Tommy wants u to be in his vlog' I raised mine eyebrows, 'Really?' He nods, i was quite suprised because he never asked me to be in his vlog, wel i was in only one vlog but he didnt really ask. "A month in the life of Tom Simons" 'Uhm sure! what are we gonna do?' Jack smiles, 'were going to a theme park!' I nod slightly, 'Okay, when are we going' Jack looks at his watch, 'In about a hour' Mine eyes widen, 'A hour?!' He nods, 'The child yk' I sigh, 'Okay, stay here am gonna take a quick shower' He nods and i walk upstairs, i was gonna pick a new outfit for the day, i look at mine wardrode and picked, dark grey jeans, black oversized t-shirt, a jacket. I place them on mine bed and take a shower.

I got dressed and done mine make-up i did some eyeliner and blush. 'Just on time' Jack stands up and walks to the door, i quickly put on mine shoes and follow him. We both walk to his car and get in.

'Wake up, Y/n.. Y/n!' I slowly open mine eyes, 'Were here?' He nods, I yawn and get out the car, and so does Jack. 'Wheres everyone?' He shrugs, 'Ill text Tommy' I nod, i look around if i can see anyone. A car parked a little further where we parked, the car door openend, it was Tommy! 'Jack there here' Jack looked up and saw them, 'AYUP!' he puts his phone back into his pocket, Tommy waved, we started walked over the him, but someone else got out the car. I stopped in mine track. It was fucking Wilbur. Jack stopped walking to and looked at me, ' U good?' I nod slightly and we keep walking, 'AYUP!' Tommy screamed. 'Were right here Tommy u dont have to scream' He looked offended and i giggled a little, i put mine hands in mine pockets and took a quick glance at Wilbur, he was looking at me.. I quickly look away, 'So uhm, are we gonna go in or?' I said, Tommy looked at me,'Yeah! Jack wanna film me doing the intro?' Jack nodded and grabbed his phone. Tommy looked at Wilbur, 'U and Y/n stay here while me and Jack do the intro' I froze for a second and looked at Wilbur, 'Uhm, sure' I nodded and Jack and Tommy walked away. It was very silent between me and Wilbur, no one said anything for 5 minutes, till Wilbur looked at me, 'So uhm, how are u?..' I look at him, 'Oh yeah, am doing fine' He gave me a akward smile, i gave him a quick smile and looked away. I knew he was nervous, he kept fidgeting with his fingers and his eyes were spacing around.  I wanted to ask him somthing but nothing came out of mine mouth. I look back to see Tommy and Jack still doing the intro, how long can they take? i let out a silent sigh. I wanted to hug him, but i didnt move. I just stood there, we stood there. In silent. I look at him, he was looking at me, We didnt break eye contact. We both stood there staring into eachothes eyes. I wanted to be in his arms again. I noticed that he was wearing a neckles, it was shaped like a heart.. Thats our lockets?.. I carry mine with me everywere i go, i just dont wear it. 'Im sorry' I said, He looked at me and raised his eyebrows, 'Why are u sorry?' 

'I love u Wilbur!'

I saw the shock on his face, i saw him struggeling with saying somthing back. 'I just hope i didnt ruin what we had' I look at the ground, he walked closer to me and tilted mine head up. I locked eyes with him, 'Y/n, u didnt ruin anything. Its mine fault for lying' I raise one eyebrow, 'Lying?' He nods, 'I was scared how u actually felt, we were both drunk, so i didnt know that u actually ment it.' I give him a little smile, 'I did mean it Wil' He returns the smile and hugs me, i quickly return the hug

'I love u, i and i mean it'

'I love u to'

~𝘮𝘪𝘴𝘶𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘳𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘯𝘥𝘪𝘯𝘨~ (𝙒𝙞𝙡𝙗𝙪𝙧𝙎𝙤𝙤𝙩𝙓𝙍𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧)Where stories live. Discover now