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"Will~" I say, shifting on my stomach on my bed, propping my phone against the headboard. "Hm?" He answers, as he continues to click around his monitor. "Do you want to do something?" I ask. Laying my head on my hands as I stare at my phone screen. "And.. What do you want to do?" He asks, shooting me a glance. I shrug. "Dunno." He stops typing, glancing around the room. His eyes widen slightly. He turns his body fully to the phone. "Ill pick you up in 10." He grabs his phone. I furrow my brows. "What?-" I say, then the calls ends.


I walk downstairs, I freeze as I see Cora and a girl cuddling on the couch. The girls name is Lucy, if I remember correctly. "Morning.." I slowly say, my eyes darting between the 2. Cora quickly looks over at me, her eyes widen as a nervous chuckle leaves her lips. "Morning." She answers back. Lucy shoots me a small smile, and goes back to watching tv.


I walk into the small kitchen, opening the fridge and grabbing a water bottle. I lean against the counter as I open the water bottle and take a sip. I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket, I place the bottle down and grab my phone. A message from Wilbur saying, "Im here." I smile, putting my phone back into my pocket and walk out the kitchen.


I quickly put my shoes on, I say my bye's to Cora and lucy, leaving the apartment.


I walk out the apartment building, seeing Wilbur leaning against a tree near by. I walk up to him, he quickly puts his phone away and smiles. "Morning." "Morning." I asnwer, "Lets go." He says and begins to walk away. I furrow my brows and quickly follow him, "Where are we going?" I ask, looking up at him, then back in front of us. "Suprise."


"Are we there yet?" I groan, letting my head fall back. "Stop whining!" He laughs, shaking his head. "My feet hurt." I mutter, seconds after, I get lifted up from the ground. I yelp, wrapping a arm around his neck. "Better?" I feel my face heat up as I look at him with wide eyes. He chuckles, looking forward as he continues walking.


After what felt like forever, Wilbur puts me back down on my feet. He covers my eyes with his hand, his free hand taking my hand. "W-what-" I mumble, "Ill tell you when were there." Wilbur says as he begins to lead me somewhere. I feel my face heat up again as he gently squeezes my hand. 

He stops walking, which makes me stumble back. He quickly releases the grip on my hand, his hand on my lower back. "You okay?" He laughs slightly, I nod. "Alright, 3..2..1!" He removes his hand from my eyes. I quickly squint my eyes, adjusting to the light. I blink a few times, rubbing them. When my vision goes back to normal, I look around. My lips part slightly, standing right in front of me is a beautiful flower, trees surrounding it. Theres one tree right in the middle of flower field with 2 sings, the branches of the tree covered in fairy lights. I slowly look up at Wilbur. "This.. This is beautiful.." I murmur, looking back at the masterpiece in front of us. I see Wilbur smiling in the corner of my eye. "I uh, made it myself." He pauses, "The swings and the fair lights." He adds, "You did this?" I ask, pointing at the swings. He nods, "Why?" I slowly begin to walk to the sings as he follows me. "Thought you'll like it." He shrugs as he sits on one swing, I do the same. "Wait, you did this," I point around the area, "For me?" He nods, "Yeah." A small smile apears on my lips as I look over at him, "Why?" I softly ask, glancing at the ground, then back at him. He shrugs again. "Like I said, thought you'll like it." He laughs slightly, shrugging once again. I look around, my smile widening slightly, "Well, thank you.. Its beautiful." "Not a problem."


As the hours go by, and the sky gets darker, we decided to head back home. I stand up from my swing, stretching. I feel a shiver run down my spine, "Cold?" Wilbur asks, I nod. He takes his hoodie off and hands it to me, I look down at the sweater, then back up at him. "Wont you get cold?" I softly ask, he shrugs. "Used to it." "You sure?" He nods, I smile, taking his hoodie and putting it on. "Thanks," I murmur, pulling the sleeves up because they're to long. He Chuckles, also smiling. "Looks good on you." He says, and begins to walk. I walk after him, struggling with the sleeves. "Thanks." I murmur, my face heating up. He turns to look at me, he stops walking and starts to help me with the sleeves. I murmur another 'thanks' as my face heats up more. We begin to walk back.

We were about to part ways, untill Wilbur grabbed my shoulder to prevent me to walk away. I raise both my brows as I look up at him. He seems to be depating to say something. He glances away, then back. "Y/n, do you maybe, uhm. Want to sleep at my house. Tonight?" He asks, letting his hand go back to his side. "Yeah, sure."


Wilbur puts the key of the house in the keyhole, opening the front door. "Oh shit." I suddenly say, he furrows his brows and looks at me. "Hm?" He turns back to the door, opening it. "I dont have clothes for tomorow." I sigh, "You can borrow mine." He says, shrugging. "Thanks." I smile, glancing at the ground, back at him. He shoots me a smile, he tilts his head towards inside the house. "Such a gentleman, arent you?" I chuckle softly, walking into his house. "Only for you, love." He says. I freeze for a second, my eyes widening as my face turns a scarlet colour. I feel my stomach doing flips. I hear him chuckle behind me. I quickly shake my head, taking my shoes off, walking to his living room.

He takes a seat next to me, grabbing the remote from the tv. "Wanna watch anything?" He asks, I shrug, putting my legs on the couch, crossing them. "Uhm, dunno.. You choose." He glances over at me, looking back at the tv. "Hamilton?" "Sure." I nod, he also nods, putting Hamilton on,

As Wilbur is singing one of the songs very dramaticly, I slowly lean my head on his shoulder. He flinches and immediately stops singing. "Continue." I grin slightly, turning my head to look up at him. I see his cheeks go a light pink. "O-okay." He murmurs, a soft chuckle leaving his lips. 

As the musical goes on, I stil have my head on his shoulder. He slowly puts his arm around me, pulling me closer, I look at him, hes still looking at the tv, having a small smirk on his lips. A content sigh leaves my lips as I nuzzle myself against him.


Im acc cringing re-reading this book. Im so happy im re-writing it. LOLL


Wordcount: 1209

~𝘮𝘪𝘴𝘶𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘳𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘯𝘥𝘪𝘯𝘨~ (𝙒𝙞𝙡𝙗𝙪𝙧𝙎𝙤𝙤𝙩𝙓𝙍𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧)Where stories live. Discover now