Chapter 6

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"I- uh, um.. Hi" I say nervously. I could tell by everyone's face right now that they knew I was shitting bricks. My palms started getting all sweaty.

"Loulou why you talking like that?" Phoebe said. I didn't answer because I was still in shock.

I knew this was probably my mothers idea. What happened with diner at Coaches house and his stupid lowlife of a son? I felt really sorry for Leah that she had to live with that thing.

I saw Linda nudge Leah to say something but I could tell she was in complete shock of what to say.

"Hi" is all she said as she gave me a shy glance.

I've never seen Leah this shy but then again it has been 7 years.

"Hi I'm Daisy!" She blurts out. "And I'm Phoebe!" They both have wide grins spread across there faces as they look up at Leah. She laughs at them as the twins pull her in.

My mum leads us all to the kitchen after we all greet each other.

"Okay, come on guys I have the table all set up, take a seat anywhere u like!" Of course she had a huge grin on her face and of course she made me sit right across from Leah. Daisy and Phoebe fought over who got to sit by Leah but eventually both of them got to sit by her.

"This looks wonderful Johannah, doesn't it Leah?" Linda asked looking at Leah waiting for a answer.

Leah smiled and nodded then looked back down at the tablecloth.

"Why thank you!" My mother proudly said. "Mark should be here any minute"

Of course my dads late, when isn't he.

Linda and my mother talked about random things like how was the weather there? Or how've you been? Or talking about men, while Leah and the girls where playing I spy. I watched her smile and laugh at them. I hope she couldn't tell I was staring. But I'll admit it she was being kinda cute. I knew I had to talk to her sometime tonight and If didn't my mother would surly make me.

"I'm home!" I hear my dad close the door and his loud footsteps come to the kitchen. "Oh we have quests?"

"Yes you remember Linda and Leah right mark?" She gives him a wink. Oh god.

"Oh yes of course I would never forget you guys, best neighbors we ever had!" He smiled as he kissed my mum and the twins on the cheek and walked over and sat down beside me. He smirked at me before he sat. I just rolled my eyes.

"Well let's eat" he said. We all dug in. But before anyone says anything my mum blurts out; "so Leah you miss Louis?"

She looked up in shock.

"I-I-umm.... She stuttered. I butted in quick.

"I got to go take a wee" everyone then looks at me.

"Louis!" My mother gives me the evil eye. "You may be excused" she rolled her eyes.

I got up from my chair and started walking to the bathroom I could hear my sisters giggling at my remark and my mum scolding them. I opened the door and looked in the mirror at myself . I wondered why she stuttered. Did she miss me? Or did she forget about me? But she still kept the necklace all these years so she had to miss me right?

I sighed. Why am I so flustered about this. I flushed the toilet to pretend like I actually took a wee. Then I fixed my hair a bit and walked out.

I walk out to the kitchen and see that no ones at the table. Exactly how long was I in the bathroom?

"You sure you took a wee son?" My dad says picking up some plates. He chuckled.

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