Chapter 27

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(Ashley Benson plays Mia)


Leah had a crazy idea. I mean any girl and our school would die for Harry but he's so picky, and as of right now we're not even talking, so how were we even going to be able to help Harry, or even actually pick the right girl for him.

Harry doesn't just go out with anyone, this girl has to be perfect.

I thought of all the girls in our school trying to think what girl would be perfect for him. I didn't know all the girls but the girls I knew weren't really his type, besides Leah of course.

First I had to actually talk with Harry, it's been a month I would hope he'd forgive me by now, and this is the longest Harry's ever been mad at me.

I'm surprised he's stayed away from me this long, he's always forgave me when we've had past fights but this time I think I hurt him more then I intended too, and I don't think I'll ever be able to forgive myself for hurting him like that.

My head was throbbing from thinking so hard. I kept thinking of all the girls at school, and what would be the best option for harry.

I was scared to tell him about this idea let alone even talking to him but I think it's time instead of me and Leah's love story, harry needs a love story of his own, and me and leah are plan on playing cupid for how ever long we need to.

I will not give up until Harry's happy.

One day me and Leah were just sitting around my house not doing anything particular and Leah blurts out a name.

"MIA" she screams scaring the living shit out of me.

"What? Who's Mia?" I laugh at her outburst.

"She's the girl Louis, she's the girl for harry"

"But who even is she?" I honestly had no idea who she was talking about and I don't not know a lot of people.

"She's in my bio class, and she's very quiet but wicked nice, oh my god I can't believe I didn't think of her sooner, she's literally the sweetest!" Leah gets up excitedly. "We have to talk to her! She has to know she's perfect for harry!

"Woah, woah now we can't just walk up to her and say all that so suddenly, she'd be spooked" I say standing up trying to settle down Leah. I swear she was about ready to run and find her right in that moment.

"Yeah I guess your right, but how are we gonna approach this then?" She says taking back her seat.

"Wellll we could let it "naturally" happen" I say with quotation marks over naturally because Leah and I, being Cupid and all, it won't be naturally but they'll think it's naturally.

"I like the way you think Louis Tomlinson" she smirks at me giving me a kiss on the cheek.


As i walk in school with Louis I look for Mia everywhere. She's a very shy girl, has a small group of friends she's always with, nice girls. I like them a lot.

As we start our way towards the science hall I see her at what's probably her locker. I quickly point her out to Louis, trying not to be obvious.

"Ohhh i know her, very underrated she's a stunner" he whispers I quickly slapped him a bit for his comment.

"I'm kidding" he chuckled back and I rolled my eyes. But I couldn't disagree. She was a very pretty girl, wavy blonde hair, perfect body, she really was underrated. Wasn't gonna lie I was a bit jealous, plus it doesn't help that she had a great personality also.

Literally could not think of a better girl for harry.

"Sooo how we gonna do this?" Louis asked.

"Well before we do anything I think you need to talk to Harry, just to reassure me you guys are okay"

"Okay, wish me luck though" he nervously says.

"It will be okay" I say reassuring him.


Coming to school without Louis has been pretty hard for me, I'm literally always with him so it's a big change for me. I still have the other boys but it's like I'm missing my other half.

School was long and boring, more boring then usual, I'm glad I had talked to Leah but I wanted Louis to come to me, not the other way around.

I didn't want to easily forgive him but it's hard not to when no matter what, we've never been apart for this long.

The more I thought about the situation though the more I got over it. I realize now, me and Leah were obviously not meant to be and I'm actually really happy for the two of them.

As I was walking alone in the parking lot I heard my name being called from an all too familiar voice.

I turned around and sure enough it was Louis, running to me. He finally came up to me but it took him awhile to catch his breath.

"Harry....I'm so...sorry" he pants.

I stand there looking at him for a moment without speaking. I was about to talk but he decided to keep talking.

"I miss you, your my best friend, and I never ever in a million years wanted to betray or hurt you like this, you have to know that"

Our eyes were dead set on each other. As much as I wanted to be stubborn, I couldn't be mad at him anymore.

"It's okay Louis" I say giving him a small smile.

"Really!?" I can hear the relief in his voice.

"Yes really, and I missed you too" I say as he plows me over with a big hug. I just chuckle and hug him back.

"You just made my entire year Harry styles and don't you worry, good things are coming to you" he winks at me. "Now let's go get some food huh?" He says putting his arm around me guiding me to the car.

"Wait what do you mean by good things are gonna happen to me?" I say giving him a curious look, wondering exactly what he's up to.

"You'll see" he smirks.

Oh god what is he thinking.

I'm so sorry it's literally been last year since I updated, I haven't been on Wattpad in soooo long but just know I will do everything in my power to finish this book, I say this everytime I believe but it's almost over, and i know I've taken kind of a different turn and it's all about harry now, but don't worry there will still be Leah and Louis moments! Anyways I'm sorry for updating super late all the time and tbh I have no idea when the next update will be it honestly could be another year, I'm sorry and pls just be patient with me!! Love you all, and thanks for reading even tho I'm horrible at updating!!!!

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