Chapter 21

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Me and Louis looked at each other shocked at what just happened.

I look at him not knowing what the hell to say or do because Niall is on the other side of this door, and if people are in the hall way, and they see me and Louis coming out of the janitors closet together, it will not be good.

"Erm yeah we're in here" Louis looks over at me worried.

I felt my four head and realized I was sweating. When did I start to sweat? Oh my god. I hope Niall won't notice or anyone for that matter.

"Well can you open the door?" Niall yells from the other side.

"Yeah" Louis stutters. He looks up at me to see if I was okay and I knew I probably looked like a wreck but I nodded my head and gave him permission to open the door.

I took a deep breath as Louis put his hand on the door and twisted it slowly.

As the door opened there was an impatient Niall standing in front of us.

He looked at us confused. I hope he couldn't see right through me. I wasn't a good liar at all. I start to pick my nails and sweat was beating of me.

I still felt his lips on mine I just couldn't shake the feeling of them.

"Is everything alright in here? You guys were like gone forever" he says raising an eyebrow.

"Everything's fine, lets go" Louis says taking my arm and leading me out the door past Niall.

Luckily no one was in the halls except for a few teachers walking to the printers.

I could feel Niall's eyes on me and Louis as we were walking back to the drama room.

We walked in the room and all eyes were on us.

I looked down at my arm and realized Louis was still holding on to me. I quickly pulled away from his grip, and walked away from him taking my seat by paisley.

He didn't move he kind of just stood there looking hurt and then finally he walked back to his seat next to Niall.

It was silent for quite awhile until just about when Mrs. Charles was about to talk the bell rang. Thank god. I need to get away.

I walked out as fast as I could. When paisley finally caught up with me she looked at me confused.

"Leah..what's going on?" She's asks.

I sigh. "I can't say.....not here"

"My house after school?" She smiles.

I nod.


I did it again. Why am I such a fuck up. I didn't mean to kiss her she's just so damn irresistible.

She probably hates me now and never wants to talk to me again.

I was currently driving home from school thinking in the car about this whole day.

I don't know how I'm going to tell Harry about this or if I ever will. The right thing to do is to tell him but it would break him if I did.

I got out of my car and started up the path to my house. The door was unlocked which probably meant my mom was home. Great here come the questions and I really didn't want to talk.

I opened the door and daisy and Phoebe come running at me with wide arms.

"Loulou!" They both yell hugging my legs.

"Hi girls, I'm a little tired so I'm going to my room ok" I say kissing both their foreheads.

"Oh ok" they frown, unlatching their arms from my legs as I start walking to my room.

Just as I lay down on my bed I hear my mom yell "Louis!"

I grown. "What mum"

She walks in my room with a worried look. Shit here comes the questions.

"What's wrong?" She says sitting down beside me on my bed.

How the hell does she always know when something's wrong.

I sit up rubbing my face in annoyance. "Nothing mum just super tired" I lie.

"Louis, I'm not stupid" Why does she always have to get involved in my problems.

"Mum please, I just need sometime alone" I sigh.

"Is it Leah?" She asks smirking.

It's like she can read my mind. I sigh and lay back down on my bed pulling the covers over my head.

"Just get out mum" I mumble under the covers annoyed.

"Thought so, we'll talk later" she giggled.

Great. I just want to sleep forever and ever and never wake up.


"So what happened?" Paisley says sitting up on her bed excited to here what I had to say.


"Just tell me already!!!" She cut me off.

"We had a make out session in the janitors closet" I said quickly, closing my eyes not wanting to see her reaction.

It was silent and I opened my eyes and saw paisleys jaw completely dropped.

"Oh. My. God" she lay still still her mouth wide open.

It was silent for quite a bit before I blurted out, "are you gonna say something else or just sit there with your mouth wide open?"

"I just can't believe you guys finally did it!!" She says still shocked with excitement.

"Finally? What do you mean? Paisley this is not good!" I say with worry.

Her smile soon became a frown. I'm assuming she just remembered about Harry.

"Oh" she said understanding. I nod my head looking down with guilt.

"Paisley...what am I going to do?" I say, as I feel my eyes starting to swell up with tears forming.

"Hey, hey I'm sure everything will be fine..Harry will understand...hopefully" she said trying to reassure me but it wasn't working because now tears were streaming down my face.

"Everything won't be ok paisley" I messed up. Messed up bad.

"Well maybe Louis doesn't really have feelings for you like that I mean he just got hurt really bad, his girlfriend cheated on him, that's rough. Maybe you were just a...rebound" Paisleys thought made me think and wonder.

Would he honestly do that to me? Mess with my feelings like that? I looked down at my hands confused.

"I didn't mean to---" paisley started

"No your probably right" i nod.

We both sat there silent. I kept replaying moments in my head with Louis. Thinking of him using me like that made me sick.

"Leah?" Paisley speaks up.

"Yeah" I look up at her.

"Do you have feelings for him?"

I looked at her confused but thought and thought. That question has been haunting me. Even when we were kids it was haunting me, but I always would push the thought away.

Me and Louis? Yeah right. It wouldn't work. It would just be....weird.

I had to answer her, and I wanted to lie. But I'm tired of always lying to myself, it had to be said.

"Yes, I think I do"

I'm so sorry I haven't updated in FOREVER and I apologize! But hopefully, HOPEFULLY I will be quick updating the next chapter it's in the making right now:) ty guys for reading and ily all sm!

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