Chapter 15

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A/N I redid half of this chapter because I accidentally deleted half of it:((


All 3 of us guys were hanging out at Liam's house except for Niall.

He's been spending a lot of time with paisley lately and when he's not with her she's all he talks about. I've never seen him this hooked on a girl before.

I was glad Niall was in a good relationship and all but I missed the old Nialler and I was kind of jealous of how happy they were together.

Niall walked through the door with a huge smile on his face and sat down on the couch and sighed.

"Let me guess you were at paisleys" Liam says. Niall looks up at him and nods while smiling. Yup he was completely head over heels for this girl.

Harry just chuckles. I felt bad for Harry. He's a good lad and he still hasn't found the right girl. A lot of girls in school like him but he's really picky about girls.

"Oh Harry guess what!" Niall says sitting up in excitement.

Harry looks up startled, "what?"

"I asked Leah if she had a thing for Louis and-

I stopped him right there.

"Wait what!? A thing for me? HAH, yeah right" I kept laughing at the thought but the more I laughed the more I wanted to know what she said.

"Uh what exactly did she say?" I try to say as casual as I can.

Liam rolls his eyes and chuckles at me. "If you want to find out let the blonde one finish!"

"Thank you Liam!" Nails says. I sit back in my seat and roll my eyes at all of them.

"Anyways she said that her and Louis were strictly just friends and I think she wants to go out with you" Niall said as he smiled at Harry.

"Really!!!!" Harry says standing up with excitement.

I had this feeling in my stomach I kind of felt rejected. She did reject me in a way but my stomach should not be in this pain because of that. Maybe I ate some bad food.

I looked up at them and they were all smiling and happy for Harry and I couldn't form a smile.

I started to rub my stomach as Niall and Harry left the room. Liam walked over and sat beside me.

"Hey pal if you have feelings for her now would be the best time to fess up" he said putting his hand on my shoulder.

I thought for minute about having feelings for her. Did I? I was extremely over protective of her but that's only because we were bestfriends when we were littler nothing else.

"No, like she said, strictly just friends" i say as I hold my stomach because I feel like I'm about to hurl.

"Okayyy" Liam says dragging the the y.

The pain in my stomach was killing me so I went home and took a nap.

When I woke up I checked my phone and saw I had a million texts from Eleanor.

"Shit" I rushed out of the house ignoring my little sisters comments. I forgot me and Eleanor had a date tonight.

When I got in my car I tried calling el but she wouldn't pick up. "Come on,  pick up"

It went straight to voice mail. I groaned. She's going to give me hell in school tomorrow. 


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