Chapter 2

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"Ready?" My mum asked

I wasn't ready at all. I was joining a new school, how was I supposed to be ready? I mean my mother just said were leaving and practically took me somewhere and the thing is I still don't know where we moved too and she won't tell me for some strange odd reason.

Wherever we were it looked extremely familiar. I know I have been here before but I just couldn't figure it out. We traveled so much, I couldn't really remember anywhere that I've been. My mom is so desperate for a man she'd literally move anywhere. I rolled my eyes at the thought.

"Yup lets go" I put my duffle bag around my shoulder as I walked out the door with my mother.

She was acting strange almost maybe..excited? Why would she be excited? She's been like this since she told me we were leaving our old house. It's probly because she gets to see if her new boyfriend today, who also has a son. I've meant them once and honestly not to fond of them.

I looked up for a sec and saw a house, it was white with blue shutters... I looked at it with a confused look..where have I seen that house before?

"You okay hunny? You look a little dizzy?
"Yeah mum I just need to go the bathroom before we leave"

"Okay, I'll wait in the car"

I gave her a nod and ran in the house. I went to the bathroom and looked in the mirror. I don't know why I felt so nervous. I wasn't nervous the last time I went to a new school. Maybe I was just worked up over nothing or maybe getting a fever.

I went to my bedroom to get some medicine because my head was pounding. I still haven't finished unpacking yet thanks to my mother. I opened up a box and checked for my medicine, I dug around in the box before I felt the cap of it under a book. I picked the book up and reached for my medicine but before I got it I heard something drop to the ground out from under the book.

I picked it up and looked down at it.

It was the neckless louis gave me. I smiled down at it remembering everything. I wandered what he was doing now and what happened when I left.

I remember after I left I was crying for about a week straight. That was a horrible year for me.

I was suddenly interrupted from my thoughts.

"Honey where are you?"

I put the neckless in my pocket and picked up my medicine.

"N-nothing just I uh have a headache" I say holding up the medicine.

"Okay well hurry up were going to be late!" man this women is in a rush.

As we walk out the door I see that familiar looking house. I think just for a minute... could that be louis house..?

I brush the thought away. It couldn't be, my mother would never bring me back there after what happened. She absolutely hates my father. That's probably just a house that looks like his. I'm probably just imagining it. I sigh and hop in the car and head to my new school with a horrible headache. Yay.

-later at school-

"Bye mum"

"Bye sweetie have a great day" she said with a wide grin. Okay she was honestly freaking me out. Why was she so giddy I mean is she that happy I'm going to school?

"Shit" the bell probably already rang. Great, late on my first day.

I look on my schedule trying to hurry as fast as I can but suddenly I run into somebody.

Great I'm going to be even more late.

"Oh I'm so sor-

"It's fine love" a boy with curly brown hair looks up at me with a wide grin, showing his cute dimples.

"Here let me get those for you" he leans down and picks up my books.

"Oh um thanks" I blush.

"No problem, you must be new"

"Yeah I am actually"

"Oh well what class are you going to, I could walk you there if you want"

"Yeah that would be great, I think english"

"Okay come on its down here" he says with a smile.

I follow him holding my books close to my chest. We walk in a silence but it wasn't bad silence.

"Well here it is. It was nice meeting you, I'm Harry and you are...

"Aleah but you can call me Leah and thanks for walking me" I smile.

"No problem Leah, I'll see you around yeah?" He smiles.

"Yeah" I smile back waving. I watch him as he walks away.

I smile to myself as I turn to knock on the door. Maybe this isn't going to be as bad as I thought.

The teacher opens the door and leads me into the classroom.

I scan the classroom but stop at this one boy who's looking at me like he's trying to figure me out. I got a weird feeling in the pit of my stomach and suddenly got dizzy again.

When he realizes I've caught him staring he quickly looks away. He looks extremely familiar to me.

"Well hello are you new?" The teacher says. What is he clueless? Of course I'm new.

"Erm yes" I say shyly.

"I'm Mr Martin and what's your name" he looks at me with a small smile.

"Erm Aleah, Aleah Meyers but everyone calls me Leah"

I looked at the boy who I caught staring at me and this time his wide eyes looked at me like I was a crazy monkey.

He quickly looked away.

What was his problem. I looked at him and he was shifting in his seat. Almost like he couldn't keep still. It was almost like he was nervous..but why?

"Well hello Leah it's nice meeting you, you can go sit by louis" he said as he pointed to him.

My heart started rapidly pounding as I heard his name, I hoped no one could hear it. I could feel my eyes bug out. No wonder he was looking at me like I was crazy.

It was him. My childhood best friend. It really was Louis Tomlinson's house I wasn't imagining it. He's here. Really here. I glanced up and saw everyone staring so I quickly tried getting to my seat.

We meant eyes for a quick second as I quickly took the seat next to him.

I could feel him staring at me a couple of times. I peeked looks at him too I couldn't help it. He's changed a lot. He's fit and I have to admit really handsome. I can tell he still does football. He had a beanie on and some of his light brown hair peeking out the sides.

I was in a daze just thinking of the year I left. I remember the last thing I said too him. I wonder if he remembers that too..

- Okay guys hope you liked that chapter! oh by the way follow my twitter @tommolyfe and insta @sweetypielouis thanks for reading:)

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