Chapter 25

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I woke up, barley being able to open my eyes. The light was blinding from the window. I figured it was morning.

As I sat up in bed I touched my eye. It was swollen and it hurt like hell to touch it.

Last night the last thing I remember was slapping that horrible guy. I wandered what happened after I blacked out. Wow I have bad luck.

I walked out of bed to go look in the mirror. My face was completely drenched. I look weak and tired, and my eye was in the shade of black and purple.

Knock knock

"Leah, can I come in?" Harry says through the door.

I fix my hair a bit and call him in. "Come in"

He opens the door, a small smile on his face. "How ya feeling?"

"Not to well" I say sitting back in bed. He comes over and sits beside me looking at my eyes with sadness.

I can tell by his face he wants to take my pain away and how sorry he feels for me.

"Listen Leah I know this is a very bad time but, can we talk about something" he looked at me, his hands meet mine.

"Of course harry, anything" I say knowing already what could possibly come out of his mouth.

"It's about louis. What's really going on?"

I take a deep breath before I start to tell him everything. 

Everything about me and louis.

With each thing I told him the more sadness appeared on his face.

He couldn't even look at me when I stopped talking.

"I'm so sorry harry. I....-we never meant to hurt you"

"I don't know what to say" he says taking his hands from mine and putting them on his lap.

"Harry i know this was wrong of us but please don't shut out louis, he's your best friend, and your his, he can't lose you"

As much as it hurt me to say, I completely understood if harry shut me out. I deserved it, we weren't official but that didn't matter, I still cheated, and harry deserves someone who loves him.

As much as I want to love Harry I can't deny the feelings I have for louis.

"Harry?" I say tears starting to form.

"I need time"

Is all he said, walking out of the room shutting the door behind him.

I sat there, tears in my eyes.

I lay down on my pillow, pulling the covers on me. I never wanted to get out of bed. I've already ruined to many things.


I woke up, my hands being numb and bruised at the knuckles.

I remember only bits and pieces of last night, but I remember I was more furious then I have ever been.

I realized I was still at Liam's house, laying in one of his guest room beds. As I sat up I could feel my heavy head weighing me down.

I decided to go downstairs and see where everyone was. As I was on my way I walked in to harry.

"Morning haz" I say, my voice slightly cracking.

He looked upset, almost tears in his eyes as he looked at me.

I wondered what he knew.. I hope it's not what I think.

"Morning." He said with the most serious voice I've ever heard him speak. I knew right then and there he was pissed at me.

Before I could reply he quickly walked by me. Practically fast walking down the stairs.

Unless Leah woke up last night and told him, he must of found out this morning, which means Leah could possibly be here right now.

I know I shouldn't go looking for her, especially when Harry's around, but I couldn't help not knowing how she was doing.

I started checking the other guest rooms and I finally found her in Liam's room.

I creeked the door a bit so I wasn't to be to loud. She shot up out of her spot in bed "Harry??" She days with hope.

I walk in. "No it's me" her eyes were red and I knew she had been crying. She must have told him. Everything.

"Louis" she said with weakness. She started to break down. I hated seeing her like this, I ran over to her and took her in my arms.

"Louis your hands" she took my hands in hers, looking at them worriedly.

"I'm ok" I say squeezing her hands to reassure her they feel fine.

"I- she started.

"I know Leah, you told him, it's ok I'm not mad, it had to be done" I say while brushing away every tear that appeared on her face.

I knew I would have to fix this situation with harry sooner or later but for right now all I wanted to do was sit here and hold Leah..

While I still could.

I UPDATED WOW, tbh don't know when I'll update again could be in a year could be tommorow, just bare with me, I will finish this story!! And thank you for everyone who has waited VERY patiently and stuck by this story love you all! (P.s sorry this chapter is kinda short but I wanted to give you guys something)

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