Chapter 12-Alex's Bachelorette Party

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Freya: You can't stay. Hope and Faith are home.

Klaus: I have no interest in infecting my daughters with this darkness.

Klaus: Once we've found their mother, I'll crawl back to whence I came.

Declan: She's a single mother of two.

Declan: You're Hope and Faith's father, aren't you?

Declan: You look like them, round the eyes.

Declan: I figured, hell, Hope and Faith's dad must have done a number on her.

Declan: Someone else broke Hayley's heart... and Hope and Faith's.

Klaus: Don't say my daughters names.

Declan: Birthdays, holidays.

Declan: We've been teaching them to drive.

Lisina: Hayley made a whole bunch of promises before she locked herself up in her castle with her daughters.

Lisina: Hayley's been busy with Hope and Faith, but she stood up for you.

Marcel: His sires.

Ivy: This isn't about Klaus at all.

Ivy: It's about his daughters.

Keelin: I can't believe Hope and Faith did this.

Freya: Oh, no, they're, uh, right on schedule.

Marcel: No mention of Hope and Faith.

Josh: Like it or not, Hope and Faith can make more hybrids.

Josh: They're a problem.

Josh: Hope and Faith are Mikaelsons on the brink, and we have to prepare.

Ivy: Before Hope and Faith Mikaelson were born, the French Quarter witch Sabine Laurent swore.

Ivy: The children will destroy us all.

Vincent: I know Hope and Faith Mikaelson, and they're just two children.

Ivy: Hope and Faith Mikaelson will be our downfall.

Vincent: Now, Hope and Faith Mikaelson may be strong enough to destroy the city, but they might also...

Vincent: They might be strong enough to be that spark that ignites a revolution.

Vincent: I mean, they just got to change their course.

Klaus: Hope and Faith were boasting about a cloaking spell, a sleeping spell.

Freya: I can't be of any use to my family... To Hope and Faith... with that burden.

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