Chapter 1

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They decided to wait until Carina's three-month follow-up before they moved forward with their plans to try for another baby. In the car after they had been told Carina was still in remission and that all her tests looked perfect; they called their fertility doctor to set up an appointment to start their journey to baby number three.

The next available appointment was in 4 weeks which was about what they expected. The whole experience was different this time as Maya was the one who was going to be carrying the baby. They also were hoping they would be able to get pregnant using one of the two frozen embryos they had left from their first round, but that if they didn't, that they would try IUI instead because Maya was going to be carrying this time.

Their doctor did tell Maya to go ahead and get some blood drawn though, just to get her levels checked so they could talk about them at the first appointment which the blonde happily did. She was also instructed to start taking a prenatal vitamin to get her body ready.

The weeks leading up to the appointment were hectic both with work and with the twins because having two almost three-year-olds was always hectic. The twins were doing amazingly well, both of them in a dance class the daycare offered once a week and loving every minute of it which made Carina incredibly happy because she danced as a kid. They had talked about signing them up for soccer but had decided that with trying to have another baby, their work schedules, and Carina still trying to readjust to her life post-cancer, that it was just not the right time for that.

Carina was doing extremely well, but she still beyond exhausted after working, and she just hadn't built her stamina back up yet. She was getting stronger every day, but she still needed a lot more rest than she did before.

Soon enough, it was time for their appointment at the fertility clinic. They walked in together, hand in hand, Maya going up to the desk and signing in, updating her paperwork before they settled in some chairs in a quiet corner to wait.

"Is it hard being here?" Maya asked, tracing shapes on the back of Carina's hand, knowing that losing her uterus had been one of the hardest things for Carina to deal with mentally.

"A little bit." The Italian said honestly. "It makes me a little bit sad that I will never get to be here for another appointment for myself, that I will never get to have one of our bambini growing inside me, but it also makes me happy. Happy that we have another way to have a baby that cancer didn't get to take from us, happy that I am going to get to see my beautiful wife pregnant with our child, happy that we are going to grow our family. I love you Bambina."

"I love you too." Maya said, leaning up and planting a kiss on her wife's lips. "And I am happy I get to do this for you, for us, for our family."

They sat there for a few minutes, not speaking but just being with each other before Maya's name was called. Maya was weighed and given a brief checkup before being told to change into a gown and wait for the doctor.

"It's nice to be in one of these rooms together for a happy reason again." Maya said, slipping off her pants and underwear after pulling on the gown.

"I agree." Carina nodded.

The two of them had spent so much time in rooms similar to this one during and after her cancer treatment and getting to be in one to think about having a baby was so much better.

"I just have to get an ultrasound today, right?" Maya said, sitting down on the bed. "Just to make sure everything looks okay?"

"I think so." Carina nodded, going over to her side. "And probably a pelvic exam, but you just had your annual appointment so there should be no surprises there. And then we will talk about your blood work and about what the next steps are."

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