Chapter 2

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Over the next two weeks, Maya and Carina both tried hard not to think about whether or not Maya was actually pregnant, though it proved to be very hard because Carina was having to give Maya daily injections of progesterone or Maya was having to do them on herself when Carina was busy at work.

Maya allowed Carina to pamper her some for the first few days after the transfer, the blonde loving the nightly foot massages and treats Carina kept stopping by her office with. The Italian had to stop that though because the station was starting to wonder why she was there much more often than normal.

Carina would make Maya a mug of her favorite tea every night and made her favorite meals too, all of which Maya was incredibly grateful for even though she always insisted her wife didn't need to do that. It helped a lot with the extra anxiety this entire process had brought on that she couldn't alleviate with running or any other type of working out for several days. She had been short tempered and grumpy, and yet through it all, Carina was just there, allowing Maya to vent and dealing with her ever changing moods.

That in and of itself had made Maya both irrationally angry and extremely grateful which had resulted in a flood of tears the third night after her transfer became she was just so overwhelmed. Carina had just held her and assured her that no matter what, they were going to be okay. Maya had cried herself to sleep that night, Carina hoping that once Maya was able to get back to her more normal schedule, that some of these extreme and irrational emotions would calm down because while she loved Maya, it was getting exhausting.

However, Carina would do whatever Maya needed her to during this process because that is exactly what Maya always did for her. Also, they were in this baby making process together and even if Carina was no longer able to carry, she still planned on being with Maya every step of the way.

The two weeks passed agonizingly slowly, Maya's worries flying all over the place and making sleep much more challenging than normal, though Carina also helped with that as she would massage Maya's back until she fell asleep or sing her gently songs in Italian until her eyes would slip shut.

Maya had also been having some cramping, breast tenderness, and just overall kinda blah and while she knew that these could just be side effects from her medicine, she kept wondering if they were also early pregnancy symptoms.

She had talked to Carina about them and the Italian just reiterated what Dr. Howard said that they could just be side effects from medication. She would never tell Maya, but she was also secretly hoping they were early pregnancy symptoms too. The past year had been so long and challenging and if this worked on the first try, it would be amazing.

The night before the pregnancy test was much like the night before the transfer, Maya struggling with her sleep again.

This time, however, Carina was also awake for most of the night, both of them somehow managing to fall asleep around 4am, getting about three hours of sleep before the twins woke them up.

After getting the girls ready and dropping them off at daycare, Maya and Carina headed to the fertility clinic. It was much busier this time than when they came for their transfer, Maya checking in before going to sit with Carina, both of them anxious. Maya was taken back to get her blood drawn before she and Carina were taken into a room to wait.

"What number are we hoping for again?" Maya asked, pacing around the room, completely unable to calm down.

"Bambina, come here." Carina said, pulling Maya close to her as she paced past her. "Whatever happens is going to be okay. The hope is that the number is over 100, but sometimes, it can be lower and still be a viable pregnancy because it depends on a lot of different things. We have to come back in two days to get another test regardless, okay?"

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