Episode 8-The Kindness of Strangers

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At Lafayette Cemetery, fog spreads all around as thunder strikes above...

Klaus's voice-over: "In New Orleans, bodies cannot be buried. Instead, in boxes above the ground, the dead cluster together. When a man passes on, his family tomb is cracked open. Old bones are shoved aside to make room for fresh remains. Bloodlines rot, entangled."

At the compound...

It's quite as you can see the torn portraits on the walls.

Klaus's voice-over: "The houses are that way, too. Layer upon layer of peeling paint, hiding little tragedies. Scorch marks from the fires. Waterlines on wallpaper. These are the tombs of the living, where we rot alongside memories of our dead. Crowded with people we have failed and those who have failed us, we are forced to struggle with those we love."

Out on the balcony, Klaus looks down at the empty quarter as Elijah walks up behind him.

"Every last exit is sealed. If you're thinking about jumping, don't. I already tried it. I landed in the world's most pretentious wine cellar." Elijah said

Klaus turns around, walks over and says. "You sorted it by vintage. You don't remember, do you? I thought Marcel was intent on retrieving your memories."

"He was. He failed. I still remember absolutely nothing, and Antoinette is dying." Elijah said

"Is she? Right. Yes. I'd forgotten." Klaus said

"What the hell are we doing here? What is this place? This is dangerous, you and I here together." Elijah said

"We're not actually here together, are we? Not physically, at least. It's called a Chambre de Chasse. It's a magical mental prison designed to resemble our home. But don't worry. There's always a way out... A game or a riddle." Klaus said

"How do we solve this riddle?" Elijah asked

"We don't do anything. We're square, you and I. You got Hayley killed, and Antoinette will die because of me. I would hate to upset that delicate balance. So I'm gonna find my way out, and you're on your own." Klaus said as he walks away.

Downstairs in the Abattoir Interior, Klaus stops at the destroyed portrait of Elijah when he senses someone.

"Who's there? Show yourself!" Klaus called out

Rebekah walks out and says. "Oh, Nik. Always so dramatic."

Klaus smiles and says. "Rebekah."

While she hugs Klaus, Kol plops in to the mental prison as well.

He's nearly naked have been waiting for Davina to come home from work before being plucked from reality.

"Bloody hell. My least favorite recurring nightmare." Kol said

Minutes later, Kol gets dressed as Rebekah grabs a bottle of wine...

"I was in Corsica, drowning my sorrows about Hayley, and I suddenly dropped. [She goes to pour herself some wine but the bottle is empty.] What I wouldn't give to spend just a decade without being dragged into a godforsaken Chambre de Chasse." Rebekah said

Kol walks in as he was slipping on a shirt.

"Suppose you were in a board meeting." Klaus said

"I was waiting for my wife to come home from work. Once again, ripped from complete contentment for... this. Suppose I'll ask the obvious: piss off any witches lately?" Kol said

"Actually, my current enemies are a group of hatemongers who see myself and my daughters as abominations to the vampire race." Klaus said

"The bigoted undead. That's new. They must have a witch-for-hire." Rebekah said

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