Episode 9-We Have Not Long to Love

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Klaus: They're not normal.

Elijah: They lost their mother, Niklaus.

Klaus: Our sister, who willingly aided two children in ruining their lives.

Freya: Hope and Faith are not two children.

Klaus: Did you even consider what absorbing all that magic could do to them?

Freya: And what choice did I have?

Klaus: Deny them.

Klaus: Defy them. We had a plan to keep the dark magic away from them.

Klaus: Thanks to you, the magic has them now.

Klaus: So, if my daughters should be harmed in any way, shape or form, I will hold you personally responsible.

Klaus: My daughters need help. I intend to get it for them.

Freya: Every time I look at Hope and Faith, I see the child of mine that I never got to raise. That's how I feel about them.

Freya: That's how much I want to protect them.

Freya: They came to me in so much pain, and I knew that they were gonna take back that power with or without me.

Freya: Okay? So I gambled that if they felt like we were on their side, maybe they would let us help them.

Klaus: Hope and Faith's bracelets.

Freya: They took it off for good a few years ago.

Freya: Said they didn't need them anymore, but... now they do.

Freya: Now, this won't stop whatever the dark magic is doing to them, but it could lessen their suffering until we find a permanent solution.

Klaus: I know you love them.

Declan: Are Hope and Faith all right?

Freya: They're coping.

Declan: Can I see them?

Keelin: How's Hope and Faith?

Freya: Um... struggling.

Freya: Klaus is with them.

Declan: Uh, Hope and Faith?

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