Episode 10-There in the Disappearing Light

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Klaus: I'm reserving that honor for two people I love very much.

Vincent: It's too late for Hope and Faith.

Vincent: It's too late.

Vincent: Eventually, the darkness is gonna overtake them, and the kids you know are gonna be no more.

Vincent: They barely survived this when they were seven.

Vincent: Now they're two budding adults, and they're two humans kill away from triggering their werewolf side.

Vincent: Now, you think they're angry right now, you wait until those claws come out and the eyes turn yellow.

Emmett: How it can take down a hybrid, an Original, even Hope and Faith Mikaelson, whatever they are.

Elijah: So this is the new parenting style?

Elijah: Allowing your daughters to mercilessly torture that boy.

Klaus: That boy held them and Hayley hostage, almost killed Hope and Faith and succeeded with their mother.

Klaus: So, if my daughters decide to end his life, then that would make them someone who vanquishes their enemies, following in the footsteps of their father and their uncle.

Elijah: They were supposed to be better than us, Niklaus.

Klaus: They're ill.

Klaus: If this brings them some relief, then nothing else matters.

Elijah: When they're done with him and the darkness returns?

Klaus: Do you really have Hope and Faith's best interest at heart?

Elijah: You are leading your daughters down a path that will erase their humanity.

Elijah: And if they lose that, Niklaus, the consequences will be devastating for everyone.

Elijah: This is about Hope and Faith.

Klaus: Oh, so this is about Hope and Faith, now.

Klaus: How touching you remembered them plight.

Elijah: They're faltering, aren't they, Niklaus?

Elijah: That rage, consuming them from within.

Klaus: And yet, you've taken me from their sides again.

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