Chapter 6

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"Why do they all have to stare? I mean I can see them staring and I know why they are but really? It's just rude."

Oliver chuckled as he slid his arm tighter around her waist.

"They are staring because you are the most beautiful, glowing woman they have ever seen and they all know it." He whispered tenderly into her ear.

"And you, Oliver Queen, are getting way too sappy these days." Felicity giggled as she turned towards him slightly and kissed him softly.

They were all standing outside the car at the private plane airstrip awaiting her mother's arrival. William has been so excited about the visit and he was standing in front of them with a welcome sign he had personally made in hand.

"Is that it Dad?" William pointed up to a plane that had begins to touch down the strip.

"Yep. That's it buddy. Come back over here and stand close to us okay?"

William ran over and stood in front of his parents, bouncing on his heels with a bubbling enthusiasm. As soon as the plane came to a stop and the hatch opened, he started waving the sign in the air above his head. His smile grew wide when he saw Donna begins to step out of the plane, which brought more joy to Oliver and Felicity.

"Can I?"

"Go ahead buddy." Oliver patted his son's shoulder and in a blink of an eye, the young boy was wrapping around Donna; her arms twisting tightly around him too. Felicity melted into Oliver's arms at the sight. "Hey. I promise it will get better."

"It just seems that the only time I am not studied or picked apart is when I am at home." Felicity huffed.

She had been frustrated recently at the increase in attention towards her. She had run out to get some flowers and extra things for her mom's arrival today when she felt every set of eyes on her. Well her belly. Press, clerks, even strangers would stare at her as if trying to figure out if the story was real and why Oliver had chosen to knock her up.

"I know sweetheart but they don't know the real us. They don't know all we have battled through to get here. If they did, they would understand why I have chosen such an amazing woman to share the rest of my life with. They would see you for the remarkable, strong person you truly are and then the only question would be what took me so long to steal you away for myself. Everyone would be looking at me like I was an idiot not to do all this immediately, as soon as I met you, to make sure no other man ever had a chance."

"How did I ever get so lucky to find you?" Felicity asked as she fought back tears at his sweet words.

"Technically I found you but believe me when I say I'm the lucky one. I love you now more than ever." Oliver leaned down and placed a much needed chaste kiss on her soft pink lips.

Just as the kiss begins to get heated, they heard a throat clear and turned to find Donna and William looking at them. They both smiled and blushed as soft giggles came out of Donna and William.

"They do that a lot. Guess you need to get used to it too."

"I'm glad to do that bud."

"Can we go home now? I want to show Donna my room."

"Sure sweetie." Felicity smiled as she hugged her mom, welcoming her back to Starling.

"My baby girl is having a baby. You just look so beautiful. You are already glowing."

"Yeah I just wish the press and everyone would back off a bit."

"The article didn't help?"

"Oh no. It did sort of. Now they just stare trying to see my bump, which is unnerving and really creepy. It's like they're waiting for me to fatten up or something."

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