Chapter 65-Naomi's Birth

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Over the last thirty minutes, Eliza and Lillian have been working tirelessly on Kara, just trying to make sure that they can wake the Kryptonian up, so she can be there for Lena, to be by her side as their daughter is born. Throughout this, Alex has been remaining by Lena's side, trying to offer her emotional support, as Lena is very much in an emotional state right now, and time is getting closer and closer to when Lena will be able to start pushing, to give birth to the baby. Alex just hopes that Kara will be awake by then.

Right now, Eliza and Lillian are just continuing to monitor Kara's vitals, while she remains under yellow sun lamps. They did blast her with some red sun lamps first, just like Naomi showed them the other day, and doing so, once more, did seem to help Kara. Most of Kara's visible external injuries from her fight with Reign have now faded away, but the blonde is still yet to wake up. So, Lillian and Eliza are both just nervously looking at Kara's heartrate monitor, as they know that it will increase slightly once Kara wakes, and may be very high for the first few seconds after she wakes. But they will then have to make sure that Kara's heartrate doesn't stay high like that, and puts the blonde at risk. If that were to happen, Eliza and Lillian would kind of have to go back to the drawing board, and put Kara back under, just to make sure something worse doesn't happen from Kara's heart beating so fast. Of course, Lillian and Eliza both waiting like this, is making them very nervous, and feel very much on edge, because there isn't anything the two can do for now, other than watch, and wait, as it's not like they are even able to get close to Kara right now, as seeing as each of them are human, going under the yellow sun lamps for them, would do harm to their human bodies.

"How... how is Kara?" Lena now asks, on the other bed.

Alex now glances at Lillian and Eliza, who both are watching Kara, waiting for something to happen. Lillian and Eliza, of course, hear this question from Lena, so Eliza just looks at Lillian, and silent gestures with her head that it would be okay for Lillian to go over to Lena, and let her know what is happening right now. So, Lillian does just that, and quickly moves over to Lena's side, taking one of Lena's hands into her own, not caring if Lena accidentally crushes it.

"We are doing everything we can, dear." Lillian says. "It looks like Kara's external injuries are mostly healed, thanks to the yellow sun lamps. Right now we are just waiting for her to wake up, and monitoring her heart rate the whole time. We don't want her to wake up, and for her heart rate to stay really high, like it did before."

"Okay... people... I need Kara." Lena says, with tears in her eyes.

"We are doing our best, Lena." Lillian says, with a sympathetic look on her face.

Lillian then leans over Lena's bed and places a kiss on the brunette's forehead. This is one of the first times Lillian has ever done this to Lena, but she feels it is very appropriate right now. Lena needs all the affection she can get for anyone right now.

"How are you doing, Lena? Are you in pain?" Lillian asks.

"The... contractions... they hurt... and are not nice... but I have dealt with worse pain." Lena explains.

Lillian nods her head, and now looks at Alex.

"How long do you think we have until Lena can start to push?" Lillian asks.

"I can't be certain." Alex says. "If things keep going at this rate, probably not for three or four hours. However, if it's like how Kara was giving birth to Ava, this could be over within the next hour, as Kara started off slow too, but then suddenly increased her dilation, while decreasing intervals between contractions, and that sped things along."

"Okay." Lillian nods.

"Uhhh... Lillian... could you come back over here?" Eliza now says, as Kara's heartrate has just increased.

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