2. Burden of Decisions

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"So let me get this straight. You actually followed my "advice" and decided to confront your sister about it before running away?" I asked to make sure that I was understanding the whole situation. 

It's been a little over ten minutes now since Flandre showed up on my front door and at first I panicked thinking that she came here to finish the job and kill me but apparently that was wasn't the case.

"Yeah..." Flandre replied with a saddened voice as she looked down at the ground. This wasn't the Flandre I remembered meeting moments ago back at the mansion. She didn't seem to be acting like a psychopathy one bit, instead she was acting like the whole world had fallen apart in front of her. I wonder what must have went down between her and her sister to have left her acting like this.

"I see, but I don't understand one thing and that being why you're here exactly?" I pointed out to which Flandre looked up from the ground slightly albeit not fully.

Flandre:"I was wonder... If I could stay here for a bit..."

"No." I replied without wasting a single breath, knowing fully well that nothing good would come out of agreeing to help her.

Flandre"Wha! But it was your idea to have me do this!"

As Flandre said that, it became obvious to me that there was a change in her expression which went from sadness to somewhat childish annoyance.

Y/N:"I never said that. All I said is that you should talk to your sister and your problems, I never said anything about you going to fight her let alone running away."

Flandre:"Oh right. Well, I can't go back now! If I do then sis is going to never let me live it down."

Y/N:"And that doesn't sound like my problem. Isn't there anyone else who'd be actually willing to take you in?"

Flandre:"Not really."

This clearly was going nowhere. I barely even knew Flandre all that well outside of her name and that she's a psychopath but outside of that, I didn't understand how she can just ask a stranger for help but even with that in mind, I began to slowly feel bad for Flandre but even with that my options were limited so I had to make a decision.

Y/N:"-Sigh- Are you sure you really want to do this? Your sister might be worried about you even with everything she said."

Flandre:"Maybe but I want to prove to her that I'm not a kid anymore even if I'm over 400 years old!"

I'm... I'm not even gonna question that but Flandre's mind was already made up. She didn't want to go back, well not yet at least so it was up to me to give her a final say in the matter.

Y/N:"Fine then, if you want a answer that badly then here's my final decision and it's..."

---------- The next day ----------

Placing products on the shelves, the day was going slowly with few customers coming in and out of the store every few minutes with some of the customers asking for specific items which I guided them to but each time I did that, I could feel Sekibanki's glare being directed at me and I had good guess as to why she was glaring at me.

"So, had fun doing other people's dirty work yesterday?" Sekibanki asked with sarcasm while I continued stacking products on the shelves before replying.

Y/N:"It went alright, I guess."

Sekibanki:"So you didn't cross paths with anything unusual?"

Y/N:"not really, well outside of one thing anyway. I met a girl with blonde hair who tried to kill me."

Serenade Of The Night (Flandre Scarlet X Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now