14. New Heights

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"You sure you want to do this, the youkai mountain isn't a place where normal humans should be heading since the mountain is inhabited by youkai hence the name." Nitori warned as we walked in what appeared to be a cave of sorts, leaving hell in the process. Flandre wasn't exactly happy that we had to leave but that was the least of my concerns, the real question now was how I was suppose to break the news to her that her pet chick which was resting on her hat didn't actually belong to her but rather to some chicken god... Yeah, I'm still having trouble believing that last part myself.

"Well, I need to go speak to some chicken god and give her something." I explained, replacing the batteries in my watch albeit still unconvinced that gods were real or not, especially a chicken god at that but this is Gensokyo we're talking about and if there's one thing I've learnt, it's that things are better left without answers, hence why I'm not even going to bother point out that hell is an actual place or anything else that happened so far today.

"Chicken god? You mean Kutaka Niwatari? Just what kind of business do you have with her, friend?" Nitori asked curiously, looking over at me but my gaze was locked at Flandre who has been spacing out this whole time. I couldn't tell Nitori the truth, not with Flandre around otherwise things would quickly get messy.

"Reasons, I don't really wanna talk about it right now." I answered, bringing my attention back to Nitori as I slightly shrugged my shoulders.

"Well, whatever reasons you may have, friend. Just know that there are quite a few gods residing in the youkai mountain and they are nothing like how they are depicted in tales. Most gods are ruthless and selfish." Nitori explained, not only revealing that there are more than one gods living on the mountain but also informing that their true nature.

"I'll keep that in mind." I thank Nitori as we continued marching through the cave in silence until we eventually reach the end of the cave that led us outside and thankfully for us, it seems that the sun had set not too long ago surprisingly.

"Right now we are at the foot of the youkai mountain and the god your looking for is half way up the mountain." Nitori went on to explain, as she pointed up to a nearby mountain and on first glances, it seemed relatively simple.

"Right, we should get going before any youkai spots us, I know a route up the hill that only kappas usually take so we should be safe by taking that rouGWHA-" Nitori started explaining moments before a blinding white light snapped in front of us, blinding us temporarily. 

"Ayayaya, that looks like a nice photo for my next article, "Kappa helping thee famed Flandre Scarlet and a random human climb the youkai hill at the depths of night." Now that'll sell like hot cakes." A voice interrupted what Nitori was just saying a moment ago all the while the after effect of the blinding light began to subside. Rubbing my eyes, I carefully opened them once I was sure that I could see again and the first thing I was greeted with was a woman with black wings and short black hair looking down at a camera she was holding, reviewing the photo of me, Flandre and Nitori that she just took a moment ago.

Turning on my watch, I almost instinctively pointed it at the woman, almost as if it became a reflex of mine to do so.

"Name : Aya Shameimaru

Danger Level : 4/10

Description : A nosy tengu with a knack of publish stories depending on what she find interesting whether it'd be something embarrassing or not, as long as it gets her more readers then she will gladly do it without a second thought but as annoying as she is, her speed is nothing to laugh at, she could make anyone look like a joke in a race."

Nitori:"A-AYA?! WHA-What brings you here?"

???:"I could ask you the same thing, Nitori."

Nitori:"No-Nothing illegal, that's for sure... hah..."

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