4. Books & Knowledge

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Ever since I started helping Flandre, I began wondering to myself if what I'm doing is the right thing or not but after what happened last night, that answer became clear to me. Flandre changed for the better. 


Now, it might have been just my mind messing with me back then but it felt like she really did change, even if it was just to gain my sympathy.


Maybe the psychopath Flandre that I first met wasn't the true Flandre? Maybe there was a redeeming side to her that she doesn't usually show to others or maybe-

"EARTH TO Y/N! WAKE UP!" A voice yelled that was shortly followed with a water bottle hitting me on the back of my head, pulling me back into reality.

"OW, HEY! What gives?!" I snapped as I rubbed the back of my head where the bottle had struck me.

"You've been brooming the same spot for the past fifteen minutes now." Sekibanki replied with her trademark cold tone which I sort of gotten used to by now all the while she pointed the a spot on the floor that I have been idly sweeping with a broom which left me with a somewhat guilty expression.

"Let me guess, you haven't had any sleep because of "her"?" Sekibanki asked, making sure not to say Flandre's name due to people walking around the store.

Y/N:"What makes you say that?"

Sekibanki:"Don't play stupid, we both know "people" like "her" can only go outside at night so my bet is that she dragged you out against your will."

I didn't say anything. Instead, I sighed in defeat which was enough for Sekibanki to know that her guess was spot on.

Sekibanki:"Can't you see that she's just using you? You're better off just telling the guards that "she's" there, or better yet. You can go back to the mansion and tell her sister where "she" is hiding out right now.

Y/N:"You know I can't do that."

Sekibanki:"Yeah yeah, you feel guilty. Big deal but at least you won't end up finding yourself five feet underground, sliced to bits by "her" so are you still feeling guilty?"

Y/N:"Yes, yes I do."

Sekibanki:"-Sigh- Humans truly are dumb... Listen, if this continues then you won't last long so you'll have to act fast before it's too late."

Y/N:"And how do you suggest I do that exactly?"

Sekibanki didn't reply right away, instead she looked away for a moment to think through carefully what she was going to say before turning her attention back to me.

Sekibanki:"There's a book rental store not too far away from here called suzunaan. You could drop "her" off there."

Y/N:"And you sure that's a good idea?"

Sekibanki:"That depends if "she" can control herself which is completely up to you."

Y/N:"Right... Well what is she even suppose to be doing there?"

Sekibanki:"Go find out on your own, all I know is that kids go there often for some reason so you should go now. Best bet is she'll find some kids to play with and tire herself out."

Y/N:"Wait, you want me to go there now? What about the store?"

"This isn't my first time manage a store all by myself so if something, you being gone won't change anything." Sekibanki answered with a cold but honest answer and she did have a point seeing as how I was having trouble focusing on working so I'd be best I leave her to it.

Setting my broom aside, I began to head for the door, just to be stopped by Sekibanki.

"Before you go, you'll need this. She won't be able to leave without this." Sekibanki added as she threw what appeared to be a rain coat at me.

Serenade Of The Night (Flandre Scarlet X Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now