Ending D - . . .

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"I what?" Alice asked with curiosity, clearly worried as to what I was going to say next.

". . ." I didn't respond, I still didn't know what I was suppose to say.

"Well?" Alice asked again, waiting for me to respond which was just putting unnecessary pressure onto me.

"I... Don't know..." I finally answered with a guilty voice as I looked away from Alice, unable to even look her in the eyes.

Everyone in the room quick focused their gazes onto me in confusion after I was done talking.

"So, you don't know what you want to do?" Alice asked with a uncertain look, almost as if she didn't understand why I was having so much trouble deciding what I wanted to choose from.

"Then can't you stay?" Flandre asked as she snapped out of her confusion before grabbing me by my arm but I didn't say a word.

I didn't know what to say. I wanted say yes... But at the same time I wanted to say no. I couldn't make up my mind and what's worse was that both Alice and Flandre were putting unnecessary pressure onto me.

"Perhaps it'd be wise we give him time. Having him decide so sudden on what he wants as his next decision is a rather big task, don't you two agree?" Shinki jumped in to stand up for me as she turned to both Flandre and Alice but they didn't seem all too keen on wanting to wait for me to make a choice though internally, I was thankful that Shinki stepped in. Had she not stepped in then I probably would have made a huge mistake.

Alice:"Then what do you suggest?"

Shinki:"Well, I say we give him time. Let him go on a short soul searching journey so that he may find his answers."

Flandre:" soul searching journey...?"

Shinki:"That's right. It should help him think straight."

Alice:"So your just gonna let him walk around aimlessly so he can find his answer, much less alone. That's far too dangerous!"

Shinki:"Oh don't you worry your pretty little head. I'll be accompanying him so that no harm befalls him, so what do you say, Y/N?"

A soul searching journey? That sounded more like an excuse for me to just waste more time but then again... If it meant that I got more time to think over what I had to say then that's fine by me.

"Alright. That sounds fine by me." I answered as I nodded to Shinki who simply smiled.

"Then I shall lead the way." Shinki said as she began walking towards the front door with me following after her while Alice and Flandre watched with uneasy looks on both their faces.

"We'll be back soon, in the meantime try to remain patient." Shinki joked but neither Alice nor Flandre seemed to find her joke funny, rather they seemed to see it as tasteless if something.

Leaving Alice's house, both me and Shinki began walking alongside a dirt path in silence two things occupied my mind with the first one being what was I suppose to do now and the second one being what the hell was a soul searching journey suppose to help with exactly is all we've been doing was walking around in complete silence.

"I can tell that that's something's on your mind, Y/N." Shinki spoke up as both of us walked side by side in the forest, she didn't even give me a single glance and yet she could have guessed that I wasn't any calmer than I was when I was in Alice's house a moment ago.

"Well just that..." I began saying as the thoughts of both my family and Flandre begin occupying my mind, practically flooding my head.

Y/N:"It's just that I don't know what to do anymore.

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