13. Open Mind

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"You sure we are heading the right way?" I asked, slowly starting to doubt Flandre who seemed confident that she was leading us in the right direction but personally, I had my doubts nonetheless.

"It's this way! I know it is!" Flandre doubled down on her belief that we were going in the right direction but so far, all we were met with was a hell like terrain and the unusual hot temperature to go along with it.

"Right... Also why'd you bring that thing with you?" I asked Flandre as I pointed to the spork that she stole from the goat girl that attacked me earlier and looking at that spork wasn't exactly a nice reminder I'd like to look at, not to mention that she is holding alongside it the very same spear that she used as a sword to stab me in the chest with once.

"It looks cool so I wanna keep it." Flandre casually answered, staring down at the comically large spork with a glint in her eyes. Surely this was a bad idea to take it but nothing I could do about it now.

"Isn't that spear thing enough?" I pointed the the spear that Flandre held in her other hand but Flandre didn't seem to understand what I meant by that for a moment or two until she looked at her spear.

Flandre:"Spear thing? Oh, you mean my Lævateinn."

Y/N:"Yeah, that. so Isn't having a single weapon enough for you?"

Flandre:"No, two is better."

Opening my mouth, I was ready to continue arguing with Flandre but seeing as how this was going nowhere, I stopped myself from uttering another word and closed my mouth.

We continued walking for what felt like an eternity with no traces of anything but that was soon to change as a minute after we stopped arguing, we could spot what appeared to be some kind of underground village with a palace close to it in the distance.

"There it is!" Flandre pointed to the village and on first glances, I had no doubts about this leading to the exit out of this place but something didn't sit well with me as I stared down at the village. Hopefully it's just my imagination.

Arriving at the village, things already seemed out of place from the very moment we stepped foot into the village. The streets appeared vacant without a single person in sight outside some weird orbs flying around which Flandre claimed were spirits as well as shadow staring at us from inside the houses that surrounded us which added to the feeling of uneasiness. 

Venturing further around the place, it began feeling like we were walking in circle without any clear directions and nobody to ask for a clear way out... Or so I thought.

"Well well well, what do we have here? Two humans lost out in the underground." A low and raspy voice called out to me and Flandre suddenly and turning around to face the voice, we were met with a large hand lunging towards us.

"Watch out!" I pushed Flandre out of the way as the hand flew towards me before grabbing my arm tightly, with an immense grip before pulling me towards one of two two large creature with horn walk in our direction before stopping and in that very brief moment, it was obvious to both of us that they weren't human.

"I call dibs on the human with wings." The other creature said as it readied itself to attack us the very moment we looked at them which confirmed the worst case scenario, they were going to kill us.

"Fine with me, I'm gonna enjoy tearing this one apart and using his blood for my sake." The first creature Blurted to the other creature as the first creature lifted me up by my arm to look at me.

"Let go of me!" I protest as I tried to break free but to no avail as the first creature chuckled.

"Not a chance, you are on our turf now and it just so happens that we were craving some human meat." The first creature smugly answered as it looked into my eyes with a twisted smile on it's face.

Serenade Of The Night (Flandre Scarlet X Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now