5. Revisiting the Past

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Another day passes and things go pretty much like all the previous days.

I wake up, make myself breakfast, drop Flandre off at suzunaan, go to work, bore myself half to death there, head home after work, grab a snack and think to myself how to spend the rest of the day which ended up being harder then I thought it'd be.

Sighing to myself, my stared was locked looking the window to gaze at the evening sky as I sat comfortably on the living room sofa.

How much longer do I have to stay here? I felt like I had been trapped here for what feels like ages even though it hasn't even been a week but it already felt like an eternity has passed so the only thing I was looked forward to now was leaving this hell hole and go on with my life while hoping that I'd never get brought back here ever again.

This was only the fourth day of me being here and I'm already feeling home sick, mainly due to the fact that I'm stuck helping hide a vampire in a medieval town which might I add is surrounded by human eating monsters with no way to call for help.

Things just can't get any worse, can they?


I spoke to soon, didn't I?

The sound of the first knock on the door alone was more than enough to catch my attention since it wasn't often that anyone would come knocking out of the blue like that which left a glaring question as to who was knocking on the door.

Getting up from the sofa, I made my way over to the door before stopping. The door didn't have any kind of peep hole meaning I couldn't just check who was standing on the other side so it really just went down to me being lucky that it wasn't something bad like last time.

Grabbing hold of the door knob and twisting it, I pushed open the front door just to be met with Keine standing on the other side.

"Hello, Y/N. Mind if I come in for a moment?" Keine said with a smile on her face as I stared at her, wondering what she was doing here.

"O-Oh, right, come in." I replied with slight confusion by her sudden arrival as I let Keine into the house before asking if she wanted anything to drink which she refused before taking a seat at the kitchen table with me sitting on the opposing side of the table.

Y/N:"So what brings you here?"

Keine:"I just came to see how you were holding up, I heard from Sekibanki that you were doing your job well enough so I thought it'd be best I pay you a visit to see if all is well."

Y/N:"I wish that was true..."

Keine:"Could you repeat that, I couldn't hear you."

Y/N:"I was just saying how nice of you to do that."

Keine:"You don't need to mention it. If something, this is nothing more than a friendly gesture of caring."

Though the interaction was short, somehow the room fell into sudden silence. Keine was observing me with a smile, almost as if she had froze in place which made me feel uncomfortable real quick so I spoke up to change the topic.

"So, has there need any news on when I get to go back home?" I asked with a glimmer of hope for good news but that question only ended up killing Keine's smile and replacing it with a sorrow look.

Keine:"I'm afraid not, I did manage to get in contact with the shrine maiden to talk over your situation but sadly she won't be able to send you back right away since she claims to have her hands full at the moment, meaning you'd have to wait out the rest of the week with the hope that she'll find time to send you back."

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