8. Let's Talk

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Another day goes by and things roll by like usual... Well, not everything. The day had been going somewhat slowly compared to the usual and to top things off, something didn't seem right with the way Sekibanki was behaving.

Ever since Kagerou dropped by to pay her a visit, she seems to have become somewhat weary of her surrounding, almost as if she was waiting for something in anticipation which was slowly starting to become worry to me. Did I miss out on something big while out delivering a package to the garden of the sun yesterday?

Once closing hour came and all customers had left the store, both me and Sekibanki got ready to close the store and call it a day and that's when I decided to confront Sekibanki.

"Hey, Sekibanki. Is everything ok?" I asked as I approached Sekibanki right as she closed the door to the store after both of us had left the store.

"Huh? What are you going on about? I'm fine." Sekibanki replied with a hasty tone of voice as she tilted her head away from me in order to avoid any eye contact.

Y/N:"Well, it's just that you look somewhat startled and I just wanted to know if everything is ok."

Sekibanki:"Startled? I'm not startled so you can get that idea out of your head."

"Well, if you say so." I shrugged. If there's one thing I learnt about Sekibanki, it's that you should never try to pressure her into revealing the truth. Turning around with my back facing Sekibanki, I was prepared to head back home but the moment I took my first step, Sekibanki stopped me.

"Hold on... there's something I want to tell you." Sekibanki uttered out of the blue, catching my attention as I turned around to hear her out.

"There's a bar at the south edge of the village and I was wondering if you'd want to meet up there to talk about... someone." Sekibanki said, trying to sound serious yet also discrete at what she just said and it was clear to me that it might have had something to do with Flandre but I played along anyhow since it's not often an opportunity like that pops up out of nowhere like that.

"Sure thing." I replied with a smile as I gave Sekibanki a thumbs up, somewhat killing off the odd tension that surrounded us a moment ago.

"Right... Well, the pub has a large green sign in front of it so it's hard to miss. I'll see you there in two hours." Sekibanki said before turning to leave and before I could even reply with anything, she was already long gone. 

Well, that went way better than expected.

Making my way back home, the sun was already setting as I opened the front door to my house and entered before shutting the door behind me.

"I'm home." I said, expecting a response but all I ended up getting was dead silence.

Flandre still wasn't home and she seems to have taken the baby chicken with her which I doubt is a good idea but that's the least of my concern now. The real question that loomed over my head was how I should spend the rest of the time I have seeing as I have little over an hour left and not a single thing to occupy myself with.

Dropping down to the couch, I stared at the ceiling as I wondered to myself what I should do now. I wasn't bothered cleaning the house so I'll just lay that off on my to-do for later list and think of something better to pass the time with.

Staring down at my watch, an idea popped into my head. If I remember correctly, I had tetris on my watch which wasn't exactly the game of my personal choice but it was better than nothing so I began playing and sure enough, time started to pass quicker and quicker until ten minutes remained. Playing games really can be time consuming, huh?

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