7. Garden of the Sun

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Arriving late to work as per usual, I walked on inside my workplace. This routine had became a habit of mine by now which was to arrive to work a little late rather than on time simply because I'm not bothered to keep track of my sleep schedule, let alone make one.

"Sorry I'm late. I overslept." I said without a sign of me being apologetic whatsoever. What was there to be sorry for anyhow? besides, that was the same excuse I gave each time I came to work late so by now all actual feelings of guilt were long gone from the amount of times I arrived late to work by now though I'm not sure if Sekibanki really cared to begin with since she never bothered to scold me for being late.

"Uh-huh." Sekibanki said without a single care in the world as she stared out the window of the store. To her, it didn't matter if I was in or not since Sekibanki was used to being a sole employee at this store from what I heard but a little extra help never hurt anyone... For the most part anyways.

"So how's your day?" I asked Sekibanki in hopes of making some small talk but sadly, I was left with the usual stone cold lack of response from Sekibanki which I was more than used to by now. By now every attempt I made at making small talk always resulted in Sekibanki never responded but it's still worth a shot each time.

"I have a delivery to make soon so you'll have to take over for a little while. You better not mess things up while I'm gone." Sekibanki suddenly spoke up right as I moved my attention to sweeping the floor and hearing that caught me by surprise.

Y/N:"Wait, since when did this store do deliveries?"

Sekibanki:"It always has."

Y/N:"Huh... I never knew that."

I'm starting to get unpleasant flashbacks to that one time I did a delivery for a lady and met Flandre as a result. Well gladly I'm not the one doing any deliveries.

Y/N:"So where is the delivery to?"

Sekibanki:"That's not important."


Well, can't blame me for trying to be a good co-worker and start some small talk to pass the time.

"Ah here you are, Sekibanki! I was wondering where I'd find you!" A voice made itself known as a brown haired woman with a somewhat stylish dress entered the store and from the looks of things, it mildly annoyed Sekibanki.

"Where did you think I'd be if not at work, Kagerou?" Sekibanki said with a bitter tone as she looked away while I on the other hand, minded my own business though I still watched on from the corner of my eye.

"Oh don't be such a mood and cheer up. I came all this way to visit you after all." The woman puffed childishly which didn't seem to have done much to change Sekibanki's mood.

"If you came here to chat then you might as well leave." Sekibanki stated, but the woman wasn't giving in just yet as she smiled and turned her attention suddenly to me.

"If you say so, but before I go..." The woman said with a malicious voice as she adjusted her gaze onto me.

"Say, wouldn't that be your co-worker that you told me so much about." The woman said, making sure I heard her loud and clear as she pointed to me with one hand and nudged Sekibanki with her arm.

Sekibanki:"Don't you dare."

"Heh, watch me." The woman whispered before she began walking towards me with Sekibanki watching on with a daring look.

"Hi there, you must be Sekibanki's co-worker, right?" The woman spoke in a friendly demeanour as she stopped in front of me, patiently waiting for my response.

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