18. It's Over, Isn't It?

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It's been ten minutes now and neither Alice nor the white haired woman have spoken a word. By now, both of them were seated in the kitchen on opposing side to one another with Alice not even bother to keep eye contact with the woman as they've both just remained silent all the while me and Flandre watched collectively with dumb founded looks on both our faces.

"Hey, uhh, Flandre? Who is that woman?" I whispered at Flandre as  both of us continued staring at both Alice and the six winged woman with confusion.

"I dunno." Flandre replied as she put up her hands to gesture further that she had no idea.

"So how did you meet her then? Actually. I better question I should be asking right about now is where 'd you run off to to begin with." I asked, somewhat convinced with Flandre's answer and for obvious reasons too before asking the real question of where Flandre wondered off to.

"Well you were sleeping so I went to take a stroll!" Flandre tried to talk her out of this by sounding as childish as possible but I had my doubts and for good reasons but right as I was about to press Flandre further, the white haired woman spoke up.

"You know, it's rude to ignore your guests." The woman broke the silence with a calm and collective voice but Alice continued to ignore her completely, just who is this woman? Taking note of Alice ignoring her comment, the woman puffed as she finally decided to have a look around the room for herself and it didn't take long for her eyes to be met with mine resulting in me quickly shifting my focus away from the woman.

"Ah, so that's how it is~" The woman smirked with a oddly mischievous grin as she looked back at Alice and I could already tell where this was going and I didn't like it one bit.

"Did I interrupt something by any chance? If so then I could always go and leave you to it." The woman laughed and for a moment Alice spaced out for a moment after hearing that before breaking the silence almost instantly after she finally caught on to what the woman was alluding to.

"W-WHAT! I'D NEVER DO SOMETHING AS INDECENT AS THAT! ESPECIALLY NOT WITH A RANDOM HUMAN I BARELY KNOW!" Alice retorted with a face that could compete with a tomato from how much she was blushing at that very moment and that only made the woman smirk, though as harsh as it sounded, I guess I was with Alice on this one but Flandre on the other hand didn't seem to understand what the woman was referring to.

Flandre:"I don't get it."

Y/N:"And it'd be best that it stays that way."

"I see then what might a random human be doing here so late at night? Let alone, a human that you know nothing of." The woman curiously inquired as all attention shifted onto me for better or for worse.

"He's a human from the outside world, apparently he was attack by a youkai and ended up breaking his ankle so I decided to look after him until he recovered." Alice explained as the woman continued inspect me closely before glancing back over to Alice.

"So that's the human that Flandre told me about? I must say, I thought that he'd look more damaged than he actually is from the way I heard about him." The six winged woman commented, leaving me to stare over at Flandre for one obvious reason, just what kind of stroll did Flandre take and better yet, just what did she tell this woman?

"Well that's not important, what's important here is why you're coming here so late at night." Alice asked with a strict tone as she gave the woman a ice cold gaze which would have been strong enough to pierce through paper if Alice were to make her gaze even a tad bit stricter.

"I believe it's four in the morning now." The woman correct Alice but all her correcting ended up doing was annoying Alice further.

Alice:"Well that's besides the point, why did you even come?"

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