10. Ineffective Medicine

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Am... Am I dead?

Is this the afterlife?

Is afterlife even real?

I couldn't open my eyes no matter hard I tried which added on to my body aching all over, especially my chest where Flandre had slashed me, but outside of that, I couldn't feel anything.

It felt like I was flying in the sky, I couldn't feel anything beneath my feet let alone my body pressing against anything, all I felt was wind brushing up on me.

I could get used to this...

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"Huh, who could it be at this time of the nighUWAHH!? M-MASTER, YOU NEED TO SEE THIS!" a voice yelled in horror moments after I regained a slight bit of consciousness. I had next to no strength as I laid down on the ground, unable to move or even open my eyes as I laid on the stone cold ground, motionlessly in pain.

"What with all this sudden commotion-" Another voice chimed in before the sound of shocked gasping could be heard as I laid on the ground, still wondering if I was really dead or not at this point.

I didn't know what was going on, my mind refused to try and piece anything together anymore and my eyes were shut closed. I couldn't even move a single muscle and the pain had agonizingly spread all over my body.

"Bring him inside, Udongein!" A voice commanded strictly and it sounded rather urgent too.

"But about about her? She's just stand there... Menacingly, in the rain." The first voice asked, clearly concerned with something.

"That's not what you should be prioritizing at the moment. The human's injuries come first." The second voice explained strictly yet professionally and before I even knew it, I felt someone dragging me somewhere by my arms which only added to the torture that I was going through and soon it became insufferable.

My body had finally hit it's breaking point which lead to me quickly loosing all grips of reality before I lost what little of my consciousness that remained within me.

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Opening my eyes, I found myself standing in an empty field that gave off a eerie vibe, almost as if I was here before. Was I in a dream?

Looking down at my chest, I was expecting to see a wide slash on my chest but I looked fine so there was little room for explaining this as anything but a dream... A pretty empty dream.

"Why'd you come?" A voice spoke up monotonously from behind me. Turning around, I was met with Flandre, her back turned to me.

Flandre:"You knew this would happen and yet you still came looking for me, thinking that this wasn't the Flandre you knew. The same vampire that tried to murder you during your first encounter. Right?"

I tried to say something but no words came out of my mouth, instead I stared at Flandre.

"But that doesn't matter now, your already dead." Flandre spoke up with a slightly happy voice as she turned to face me, a wide grin present on her and a bloodied spear in one of her hands.

I wanted to say something, anything but I couldn't. Every time I tried made it feel like I was drowning underwater, unable to scream for help.

At this point, field started to brighten up until it blinded me, almost as if I was being assaulted by stadium lights being shined at me from up close as the shadow of Flandre that was being casted by the lights started to slowly approach me with the spear readied in their hand, slowly raising it towards me with the sole intention of using it.

Serenade Of The Night (Flandre Scarlet X Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now