3. Cold Souls

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"Come on, this way!" Flandre exclaimed cheerfully as she ran past multiple sets of trees without stopping while I on the other hand followed slowly, limiting my movement down to just walking.

I wasn't really interested in doing any of this but I didn't have much of a choice since my options were heavily divided between risking my life refusing to do as the maniac vampire told me to do or go on a adventure with her so the answer was going to be pretty obvious.

"Sheesh you're slow!" Flandre comment which I replied to with a sigh. Looking around, we were already a good distance away from the village and the moon was slowly raising high above in the skies to clarify it's presence.

"Just where are you taking us? You haven't said yet where we're going yet." I asked Flandre who slowed down for a moment to think.

"I dunno." Flandre responded with a nonchalant look on her face before resuming her running.

"Then why are we doing this?" I was dumbfounded after hearing that but at the same time, I sort of expected that to be the answer that she'd give me.

Flandre:"Because this is how adventures work! We have to find them otherwise it's not an adventure, now is it?"

Y/N:"That's not how adventures work but this is a great way to find trouble. Also, I got work tomorrow so I want to get back before sunrise to get some sleep."

Flandre didn't respond to that, instead she gave me a annoyed look for a brief moment as she continued running around, looking for something that she could deem an adventure.

It was also at this point that things grew silent. Flandre wanted to start flying but the only thing that was stopping her from doing so was the fact that I'd be left behind which is the one thing she refused to do, almost as if she couldn't afford to loose sight of me which was kind of ironic of her to do so after trying to kill me just the other day but what was even more ironic was that I managed to somehow find myself baby sitting that very same vampire who tried to kill me just the other day.

Now that I think about it, why was I doing this?

Why was I putting up with any of this?

Sure I agreed to help out Flandre a little but going as far as to be entertaining her was a whole other story.

Looking back at it, I didn't even know Flandre all that well and since I'm going to be stuck with her for a few more days then I might as well ask a few questions I had on the back of my mind that I never asked Flandre to answer so now might be as good of a time as any to ask her a couple of questions.

Y/N:"Say, Flandre. Why did your sister lock you in the basement? You mentioned her locking you away but you never said why."


Y/N:"Have you at least considered trying to somehow work things out with her? She is your sister after all."


Y/N:"Just how does your sister treat you if you ended up running away?"

Flandre didn't say anything, instead she began to slow down from running to just walking before halting to a stop as her gaze fixed itself onto a nearby tree and she didn't appear to be in the mood to answer my questions at first but eventually spoke up.

"Sis... She cares for me... but I don't want to go back..."

That one vague answer was all Flandre replied with which didn't answer much but it was a start though Flandre looked like she had turned into a stone statue from the way she was standing idly with her gaze locked onto a tree that stood in front of her, almost of if she was having a staring competition with the tree but looking closer at Flandre, it appeared that my question must have triggered something inside of Flandre which made her drift off into her thoughts, preventing me from asking her any more questions. Did I push my questions onto her too hard?

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